Top Tip: Batch Cooking Cottage pie

If I had written this post ten years ago, I probably would have shot myself! lol.

The fact that I really enjoyed doing this, says a lot about how my life and mindset has changed :-D.

Top Tip 31: Batch Cooking: Home Made Cottage pie

A few weeks ago, I spent an hour making six meals for my family, which I’ve frozen and which have already gotten me out of a few sticky “lack of meal” situations!

I was lucky enough to pop into Lakeland in Reading a few days before and picked up some of those foil dishes that you can use to freeze prepared meals in.

They were excellent but I’ve just found that they are a lot cheaper from Sainsburys, so will try those foil dishes and let you know how I get on.

In the morning I put the slow cooker cottage pie mix on.

This was:

  • Minced beef
  • Chopped onions
  • 2 beef stock cubes
  • A carrot, finely chopped
  • A handful of frozen peas
  • Gravy granules

In the evening I boiled some potatoes and turned them into mash:

Once they were ready, I loaded the dishes up:

I then topped them off with grated cheese:

I put the lids on and put them in the freezer.

It took about an hour, all in all, and I made six healthy meals that have been yummy!

Have you tried batch freezer cooking and if yes, which recipes do you cook?

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Some of my parenting “shortcuts”!

If you’ve been following NorthHantsMum for a while you will know that I’m big on keeping my life as stress free and simple as possible.

One of the ways I do this is by getting things delivered directly to our house.

I work from home so this is fairly straight forward, however, there are ways to get around this if you aren’t at home very much.

I’ve mentioned before that I use online shopping but I also have food delivered by local producers and independent companies.

1. Food Delivery – Fish

We have a fish delivery every 8 weeks. We use Regal Fish. They deliver the fish that was caught that morning.

We get a call from Regal Fish, place our order and they make the delivery a week later.

The quality of the fish has been excellent and we are eating a lot more fish as a result.

2. Food Delivery – Organic Vegetables

I have a bag of fresh, locally grown, organic vegetables delivered every week.

I’ve wrote a review about NorthDown Orchard when we first started using them. I was looking for a local alternative to Able and Cole and Riverford.

Two years later and we are still getting our weekly bags.

I love them! I love that we are using a local producer and it’s all organic and incredibly reasonably priced for organic vegetables.

3. Birthday Present Box

There is nothing worse (first world issues!) than realising that you have a children’s party the following day and you’ve not got a present sorted.

I sort of cheat with this.

I’ve set up a number of alerts in camelcamelcamel for gifts which I know children will like and then when they are reduced in price, I buy them in bulk and store them in the Birthday Present Box.

This has saved my skin (and wallet) on a number of occasions.

What are your parenting “shortcuts”?

Top Tip: Toddler and Pre-School Meltdowns

I haven’t really blogged about Miss NHM’s meltdown’s.

The first time she had a proper meltdown (she was 15 months old and I remember it vividly) was terrifying.

After nearly three years of meltdowns, specifically when she is tired, I consider myself a bit of an expert in Miss NHM’s moods. I still get it wrong but I’m a lot wiser than I was a few years ago when she first started having meltdowns!

The biggest thing I have learnt is that Miss NHM HAS to eat every two hours. Yup, every two hours.

If I leave it for 2.5 hours, you can bet that there will be a meltdown at some point later that day. Especially if it’s a Friday, the end of the week when she is most tired.

During mid morning and mid afternoon she only has a snack but that snack helps keep her going. If I miss it and her blood sugar drops then I know I’ve got trouble on my hands.

If your little one has a lot of meltdowns, I really feel for you. It’s hard work and can induce many tears, not just for them! I had to keep remembering that it wasn’t personal.

As Miss NHM has gotten older we have fewer meltdowns because she can now tell me how she is feeling. Although, if I miss that two hour slot then it often doesn’t matter.

In the past couple of months she has rarely had a meltdown but if she’s very tired then it’s happened on the odd occasion.

I’ve probably over shared but if you are struggling, maybe try giving your little one something to eat every couple of hours and see if it helps things.

It’s worked for us, so it may work for you.

Good Luck! This parenting lark really is a learning journey!!

Update: See this post that I published in 2018: My Experience: Being Authentic – Coeliac Disease

Top Tip: “Slow cooker wonders” group on facebook

Today was a milestone in my life…

I used BOTH of my slow cookers AT THE SAME TIME!!!?!?!

I am now, officially, a slow cooker addict! lol.

We had slow cooker roast chicken in the large slow cooker and rice pudding in the smaller slow cooker.

I picked up the rice pudding recipe from this fabulous FB group:

Slow cooked wonders 🙂

Highly recommend joining this group if you are looking for some slow cooker inspiration!

22 Strategies for Returning to work

(Nearly all of these strategies can be applied to those who aren’t returning to work ;-))

1. De-clutter

Get rid of the clutter before your maternity leave ends. Box up all the baby clothes that you want to keep and put them in the loft and then sort the others out into “recycle”, “give away” and “sell”. (Did you know you can recycle clothes even when they are covered in stains?)

Do not buy lots and lots of toys for your children, they will not appreciate them. Especially as they will be spending some time in nursery or at a childminders or somewhere else that will have toys. The toys that you have, make sure you can tidy them up easily and quickly.

Find a place for everything and “train” the rest of the family to put things back where they belong. In our house, Miss NHM is way, way, way better than Mr NHM at doing this, possibly because it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks :-D. (Hi Darling! :-D)

Make sure there is a place near the front door for your car keys, mobile and wallet. Not too close to the front door and high enough that small children can’t get to them. I have a friend (Hi Jo! :-D) whose toddler was notorious for hiding car keys and she could never find them and was often late to things as a result.

Getting rid of the clutter and giving everything a home reduces the time you spend putting things away and hunting things down. Time you won’t have when you are back at work.

2. Get a cleaner

Our cleaner is awesome. She costs £40 a month and  comes to clean for 1.5 hours every two weeks. Yes, it’s £40 but for the sake of your sanity and spare time, it will be the best £40 you will ever spend. Tracy, our cleaner, has literally saved my marriage on a number of occasions! Lol.

Yes, I know that some of you can’t bear the thought of having someone clean your house (Hi Laura! :-D) but if you can get over it, you will be doing yourself a MASSIVE favour.

3. Don’t iron anything

Yup, I’m lazy and hate ironing, so I don’t do it. If anything in our house needs ironing I get Mr NHM to do it. Or I just don’t buy anything that needs ironing.

If you are desperate, use the hot shower Tip. This saved me on a number of work trips abroad! 😉

4. Meal plan

There is nothing worse than falling through the door after work and thinking “S**t, we’ve got nothing for dinner!?!?!?!”.

This post HERE that I wrote in 2012 is still the system that we follow in our house for meal planning.

5. Have a slow cooker, preferably two

We have two slow cookers. One that is massive (it’s big enough to fit a whole chicken in) and one that is small and makes enough for the thee of us with no leftovers. I’m so in love with my slow cooker that I even take it on holiday with us!!

Roast chicken in the slow cooker is a dream and the leftover chicken can be used the following few days in, chicken salad, paella, etc..

Last year I sent out lots of slow cooker recipes that I have tried and tested. If you would also like a copy of these recipes please email me at and I will forward them on again.

6. Beg, borrow or steal* a tumble dryer

This one speaks for itself.

You especially need access to a tumble dryer if you are returning to work before your child has finished weaning.

7. Beg, borrow or steal* a large freezer

I have a “slummy mummy” confession to make… we often “freezer dive” for meals when we’ve both been in the office.

I recommend checking out this link HERE about potential emergency meals. Or make your own if you have time ;-).

8. Beg, Borrow or steal* a dishwasher

And teach your husband, partner, children, how to load it and unload it 😉

9. Batch cook

Check out my previous post about A day of freezer cooking.

I often try to make extra of a meal and feezer into meal sized portions, just to take the pressure off another day.

10. Use technology to its best advantage

Make sure you sync all your email accounts to your mobile. This is mandatory, especially if your nursery or school uses email. It’s also mandatory for keeping on top of things.

Get yourself a Goggle calendar set up and make sure each person in the family has a google calendar and you can access and edit it. This is fundamental for when you are in the office and need to update diaries.

Synchronise your diary with any “adults” in your family at least once a week. Mr NHM and I review the following month every Sunday evening. Without fail. The times we haven’t done this someone there has nearly always been a schedule crisis that week.

11. Subscribe to your doctors, dentists, nursery and vets text message alerts

There will come a time when you get distracted by work and forget to add something to your calendar in your mobile. A text message from the doctors reminding you about your child’s immunisation shot appointments can be a god send! ( I speak from experience here, <blush>).

12. Charge your technology every other evening

This is ironic because I never do this, Mr NHM has to do it for me! lol. However, in my work rucksack I have chargers for each mobile (I carry three with me) and I also splashed out and bought mobile chargers for my car.

13. Get a car with a hands free phone built in (but only if you can afford it!!)

This has revolutionised my life. I actually have conversations with my friends these days, albeit nearly always on the way to or from work.

14. Find a reliable Babysitter

We asked around at Miss NHM’s nursery and her key worker has been our babysitter for the past two years. She’s pretty much part of our family now! lol.

If you are struggling with finding a babysitter, please check out my previous post on NHM HERE.

15. Have a regular Date Night

I know that going on a regular Date Night when your children are small is really tough. It’s so worthwhile though. We can really tell in our household, when Mr NHM and I haven’t been on Date Night for a while 😉

If you are looking for some suggestions of what to do, please check out these previous posts HERE, HERE and HERE. Or, just arrange for a babysitter and go out for a walk. It’s a great way to chat in a neutral environment whilst getting some light exercise at the same time.

16. Find a mobile hairdresser

You will not have time to make a hair appointment because they are nearly always in working hours. Unless you want to get up early on Saturday morning, but who wants to do that after a week at work! So find someone who can come to you out of normal working hours. It will save your sanity, and hair many, many times.

Check out these pages on NHM for a list of mobile hairdressers and mobile beauticians

17. Do NOT schedule lots of classes on the weekend to make up for your guilt about putting junior into nursery in the week

This one speaks for itself ;-). Weekends should be family time.

18. Online Food Shopping

Learn how to order your shopping online BEFORE you go back to work and try to find an online service that has an App on your phone. I actually cheat and use a competitor app because it’s really good, and then transfer it across to the supermarket I use when I make an order ;-).

We also have a regular vegetable delivery each week and fresh fish delivered to our door every two months. It’s one less thing for me to think about.

19. Before your maternity leave starts, try to wean yourself of any TV soaps you are addicted too

You won’t have time to watch them when you return to work. Yes, seriously.

20. Only have one child

Ok, so this one is a little bit flippant, but I’m well aware that having more than one child is at least double the work and then some.

I have no idea how people with three or more children manage it. Mucho respect!

21. Find something for YOU!

When I returned to work I became a mother, wife and worker and it felt like I was nothing but those three roles. However, you are still you, with hopes and dreams. You still need time to be you, so do not feel guilty about taking time out for yourself. I know this is easier said than done. I’ve been there.

But you will be a better Mum, wife and worker if you do make time for yourself. Have a look at this post HERE I wrote a few years ago, for some ideas for time for yourself.

22. You are doing an amazing job!

Every so often, when at work or at home, congratulate yourself on being a superior multi-tasker.

Being a parent is very hard at times and the learning curve can be very steep, but it’s an amazing life skill :-D.

*Obviously I don’t really mean you should steal these items 😉

Tot Cross Buns

Tot Cross Buns is a brand new cookery class for children aged from 2 years old to preschool.

I’m Allison, the face behind Tot Cross Buns.  My childhood memories consist of having great fun in the kitchen with my Dad, concocting all sorts of recipes and making a mess!

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This gave me confidence with cooking and I have never been afraid to try new foods or add my own twist to a recipe.

I love cooking in the kitchen with my little girl and she loves being involved every step of the way!

I believe every little person should have fun cooking, tasting and exploring food, having the confidence to try new things.

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The aim of the class is to introduce children to food through taste, smell and touch, whilst having fun and enjoying themselves.  It is also a great way to spend some quality time with Mum, Dad or Grandparents!

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We cook a wide range of recipes from muffins and scones to pizza, quiche and lots more.  We also have a fun activity whilst our goodies are baking.  Activities can include food exploring and tasting, food related games and we also get creative!

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Classes are relaxed and friendly, with just 6 children per class!

My classes are run as a 5 week course and last 45 minutes per session – although I would ask that you allow an hour.

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I am currently able to offer classes on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon starting at 2.00pm and I also run a class on a Friday morning at 10.00am.

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The venue is Cross House in Bramley.  I am also hoping to offer other venues in the near future.

I am CRB/DBS checked, with a food hygiene certificate and first aid qualification.

If you would like to come and join us or for more information, please contact me via Facebook:, the website or your can always email me at


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Top Tip: Weaning Food (Frozen Fruit in Porridge)

As a busy Mum (what Mum isn’t busy?!??!) I try to listen out for hints and tips to make life that little bit easier.

One of the things I’ve picked up on is using Frozen Fruit.

When Miss NHM was first weaning I would use frozen blueberries in her Ready Brek in the morning.

It helps to cool the porridge down very quickly and she seemed to enjoy eating them although the faces she pulled were hilarious.

They do make an awful lot of mess though and blueberries stain so make sure you put down a ground sheet if you have carpet.

Top Tip: Slow Cooker Roast Chicken

Apologies to the vegetarians who read NHM (Sorry Su!!! :-D) but this is a great tip for the meat eaters in your life.

I’ve raved many times about how slow cookers are fantastic and help me to feed my family healthily.

I can’t even remember where I found out about this, but it’s so easy and makes such a delicious meal.

Top Tip: Slow Cooker Roast Chicken

Buy a chicken, stick a lemon inside it and put the chicken in a slow cooker that’s large enough.

You can also put in an onion that’s been chopped into quarters and some peeled garlic cloves.

Put your slow cooker on for 7 to 8 hours.

That’s it.

This will be the most moist chicken you will ever eat and you can make it last for several leftover meals afterwards as the meat just falls off the bone.

I do this on Sunday’s as it means we can go out for the day, I don’t have to worry about dinner for the evening and we can still have a roast dinner or chicken salad.

Top Tip: Mini frozen croissants and pan au chocolate

Is your little one getting bored of eating the same breakfast every day?

Do you need to entertain in a hurry?

Are you looking for a little indulgence? (sounds like a proper sales pitch! lol)

Mini frozen croissants, frozen pan raisins and pan au chocolate

I discovered these awesome mini frozen croissants and mini pan au chocolates about a year ago but a lovely NHM Reader also mentioned them on the Food posts I did in April last year.

I buy them when they are on special offer, either 25% off or buy one get one free. I then just keep them in the freezer until I need them.

They are great for brunch with friends, which we do a lot of these days as it’s easier with small children and you still have the rest of the day to do other things or fit in naps.

They have saved my butt on a few entertaining occasions too!

I delegate the “baking” of these to Mr NHM and he has got them off to a “T” now! ????

You can buy the selection pack or individual packs from Waitrose:

12 Bake From Freezer Mini Butter Croissants Frozen Waitrose 300g

12 Mini French Butter Pastries Frozen Waitrose 340g

8 Frozen Pains Au Chocolat Waitrose 480g

6 Charentes Butter Pains aux Raisins Frozen Waitrose 6 per pack

Don’t eat them all at once though, as they aren’t that healthy!