Stephanie added a great comment to my recent Monday Night Date Nights post, asking if I had any suggestions about babysitting options.
I’ve had a draft post about babysitting for over 2.5 years! I just had no idea where to start. So I thought I better get on and get this post published!
I put out a plea on NHM on FB asking for suggestions. There are a LOT of people who are looking for babysitters or who would like to be in a babysitting circle.
So, in an attempt to help people, I’ve created a FB Group for Babysitting in Basingstoke:
This is for parents and for qualified babysitters to make contact.
It is also a place where people can put up their comments about wanting to be in a babysitting circle.
I have no idea if this will work but at least it’s a start.
Please add anyone else to the group who you think would be interested. There is such a demand for babysitting in the area, that I can’t believe someone hasn’t jumped on this business opportunity already!!
For those who are interested in creating a babysitting circle, why not organise a family catch up so that groups of families meet so you know whether you feel comfortable leaving your child with other people.
Good luck!!!
Disclaimer: I would also like to add a disclaimer that I take no responsibility at all for via this Babysitting FB Group. I’m just putting people in touch with other people. It’s your responsibility to vet people, etc.
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