Review 2016: The English Charm Company – 3d Casting


The English Charm Company

Foot and Hand Casting for my 20-week old

Situated in beautiful parkland of Worting House, Basingstoke, I was met by Natasha the owner of the company and an Accredited Trainer for the Craft Academy.

I was taken her small but adequate studio where examples of all her work were displayed from Silver Charms to 3d casts. The studio is open every Monday and Tuesday to browse her showcase, to making appointments and to take impressions on the day for orders

Natasha was very friendly, welcoming and reassured me about the whole process (which took about an hour) and explained what she was doing and why.

The experience was enjoyable and only a few hours after my appointment I was notified that the casts had come out well and just needed to dry off, which would take about 2 weeks but ready in time for Fathers Day.

Picture 1

As promised the casts were dry and painted in time for Fathers Day.

My partner was very pleased with his gift.

I would definitely recommend this service if you are thinking of a lifetime keepsake or a special gift for a loved one.

For more information about products, appointment booking or to attend one of the training courses contact Natasha on 07792 503411 or email

Training classes run Wed, Thurs and Fri please ask for details.

You can find more details about The English Charm Company at their website:

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Recommended beauty products for a new Mum!

I don’t normally have “beauty” posts on NorthHantsMum but Vicky, one of the NHM Writers, did such a great job on this post, it would have been wrong not to publish it!

Thank you Vicky for this great post!

I wish someone had bought me some or all of these products when I was a new Mum! lol.


Recommended beauty products for a new Mum!

Is it just me or is there always some advert trying to tell you that this wonder product is what you’ve been waiting for? And that this is especially true for new mums. Whether it’s an all-singing all-dancing changing bag that unfolds into an amazing entertainment centre for your little one complete with iPad and safety harness (ok, I am exaggerating) or something as simple as a buggy clip (these are brilliant by the way), there is always something.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently and decided it’s time to be selfish on my blog, because I’m going to tell you about some wonder beauty products I have come to rely on as a new mum. And guess what, they aren’t for baby, they are for you!

Now don’t get me wrong, there are days when pyjama bottoms, an old t-shirt, greasy hair scraped up in a ponytail and not a scrap of make-up are the best anyone can hope for, but I’d certainly be lying if I didn’t say that there are times when you just want to look nice and be ‘like your old self’ again rather than wandering around in a zombie-like state in yesterday’s clothes.

I’m afraid I don’t really subscribe to the notion that you can never look nice or have time to do your hair or slap on a bit of make-up (if that’s what you want to do of course) just because you’ve had a baby. If you want it, or more to the point, need it that badly, you will find time – even if you do have to sing the ABC song on repeat at the same time!

So, let’s get on to the important bit, what are these products. For me, dry shampoo is an absolute must. I used to be a strict every other day girl when it came to washing my hair, not anymore! But since my little boy was born almost eight months ago, I’ve got a bit creative with up dos and my hair is actually in much better condition to boot, as I’m not straightening it to death every day. Batiste dry shampoo with a hint of brunette is my go to product. An absolute essential.

Next up is No 7 Instant Illusions. This does what it says on the tin. It gives the illusion of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, brightens those weary faces and gives you a lovely magical glow. You can wear it on its own or under foundation. It’s essentially the budget version of Clarins Beauty Flash Balm.

Sticking to the skin for a second, Maybelline’s Baby Skin primer is also a dream product for me. Now this is definitely just for adults, not the little ones! It’s a really lightweight primer which again, does what it says on the tin, and gives you super baby-soft skin. It’s great either on its own or excellent as a base for foundation to give it some staying power – and we all need that!

I am a firm believer that mascara can transform your mood in one fail sweep – all puns intended. For me, it’s my desert island product. It opens up my tired eyes and gives me a little bit of put-together-ness. My all-time favourite is Max Factor Masterpiece Transform in black. People actually have asked if I am wearing false lashes several times, when wearing this… flutter flutter.

My final product (for this post anyway – I could go on…) is concealer. An absolute must for hiding those dark circles or camouflaging some post-birth hormonal breakouts. The Max Factor Mastertouch is my favourite. For me, it’s a budget version of YSL Touché Éclat. It suits my skin perfectly and there are several shades to choose from to ensure you get the best colour match.

So there you have it, a little insight into my inner sanctuary when it comes to beauty products. For me, there’s nothing better than personal recommendations, especially when it comes to skincare, hair care or make-up. Don’t feel guilty for taking 10 minutes to ‘put your face on’ or do your hair some days. It’s not called war paint for no reason.

For more of my inane ramblings, check out my blog

NHM Readers Experiences: Hypnobirthing in Basingstoke and North Hampshire

I recently asked the Friends of  my “Louise nhm Smith” profile on Facebook if anyone had any experience of hypnobirthing, has anyone used it and if they have any feedback.

Thank you very much to everyone who responded and thank you to Shona for putting this together!

These were the responses I received.

NHM Readers Experiences of Hypnobirthing

Michelle said:

Yes for my second child and really recommend it. I was very sceptical before I knew about it, but after practicing it I would definitely recommend, had a much better labour than the first!   

Kirsty said:

I had for my first child. It made me feel confident and relaxed in a situation I had no control over and taught me to work with my body. It’s very powerful and a great tool during labour

Cerys said:

I haven’t used it but, as an antenatal teacher (and not a hypnobirthing practitioner so not trying to sell anything), I would highly recommend it.  

Lizzie said:

Yes for both my labours – wonderful experience. I managed a back to back birth centre water birth and a home water birth with no pain relief.  

Wendy said:

Yep I used hypnobirthing for my second birth and had a wonderful experience.  

Corissa said:

Yes – it’s wonderful. I’d highly recommend it. Using the techniques during labour made me feel calm, in control and able to ‘observe’ the contractions without tensing up or needing any pain relief. I have since used the techniques at the dentist to have fillings without anaesthetic.

Naomi said:

In a total different light. I had an emergency c section at 33 weeks due to pre eclampsia with my first. So went on to have a planned section at 38 weeks following lots of bp issues that never turned into pre e with number 2. It was a very worrying pregnancy but I was determined to have a better birth experience and not let anxiety spoil it for us. We attended hypnobirthing sessions at 26 weeks once we had come past the possibility of him being prem. And it was just so very helpful. I wished I had accessed more and accessed private, individual support really. But the techniques and information we gained from that one session was used lots by my husband and I in those difficult last couple of weeks. Even at difficult appointments and certainly in theatre. We had such a healing happy pleasant experience. And if I were to have another I would invest more into it as it’s amazing.

Beata said:

Used hypnobirthing for my first baby and it was a freebirth at home and I recommend it highly. The best thing I ever did for all of us. 

Flick said:

I used it for my second child and it was amazing!! I only needed 2 puffs on gas and air at the hospital and I dealt with most of the labour at home – I was only in hospital for 20 mins before my daughter was born. Having not used it the first time round and done so the second, I can see what a huge difference it makes!! I was a lot calmer because of it and baby number 2 is chilled out as well. She’s 6 months old now and I can look back on a happy birth experience this time.

Marie said:

I run pregnancy classes, and have had mixed feedback from women I teach who have tried Hypnobirthing. Some rave about it, others are like “that was a waste of money”… I really think it depends on the person and their ability to go into themselves. I never used it, but put my own methods into practice instead, which I found worked for me. 

Lottie said:

I haven’t done hypnobirthing but I cannot recommend the confident birthing workshop enough! It was brilliant for me and my husband and really helped in labour. It’s all about positivity, breathing and relaxation techniques.

Liane said:

Yes for my second and it was a much more empowering experience. Highly recommended it. 

Vikki said:

Wow! So much choice for women… Fab! I’d add ‘go for it’, I believe that the more tools you have in your tool kit, the more options you have in labour and as previously mentioned, these are techniques that last a lifetime. I certainly use my breathing techniques regularly.

Sarah said:

I did a class but ended up being induced and was extremely stressed so didn’t help. Ended in c section due to baby being distressed. But I’m sure it would’ve been amazing for a normal natural labour.

Stephanie said:

I had all 3 of my babies using Hypnobirthing. I didn’t attend any courses, just followed some CDs and materials I purchased on amazon. I am thankful to have given my babes such a gentle entry into the world and loved being about to walk around, shower within an hour of all 3 births. Even if the ultimate result is not hypnobirth, it’s a beautiful tool to help relax late in the pregnancy and prepare for future sleepless nights.

Victoria said:

Hypnobirthing was the most life changing experience. …can’t recommend enough.

Lisa said:

I used hypnotherapy for both my boys’ births. It was Natal Hypnotherapy rather than Hypnobirthing but it was fabulous. I’d highly recommended hypnotherapy!


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NHM Readers Recommend: Local Places to donate Preloved Items

I recently asked the Friends of  my “Louise nhm Smith” profile on Facebook if anyone could recommend the best places to take second hand items. (Thank you very much to everyone who responded!)

These were the responses I received. They are in no particular order. Thanks to Shona for putting this post together!

NHM Readers Recommend Local Places for Preloved Items

Spotlight Centre

Wendy said: Spotlight Centre. If you ask they can pass them onto those in need.  

Penny said: Spotlight have links with social services and can pass them on but please state that they are to be passed on.

Spotlight UK

Christ Church, Chineham

Vicki said: If you take them to Christ Church, Chineham we have contact that we can pass them on to one of which is a charity that helps trafficked individuals and has safe houses and refuges amongst its range of support.

Christ Church


Abigail said: Besom have taken loads of my baby clothes and baby items (and other stuff like kitchen goods and bed sheets etc) and they have gone to the women’s refuge. They come and collect and all the stuff goes to people in need rather than just charity and you even get a thank you letter in the post which was a surprise.


Basingstoke Voluntary Action

I have also suggested Basingstoke Voluntary action.


Is there anywhere else you would recommend?

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NHM Writer: Thinking about what to pack in your Hospital Bag!

Thank you very much to today’s NHM Writer who has requested to remain anonymous. Fab post!

Thinking about what to pack in your Hospital Bag!

As I write this I am 33 weeks pregnant with our second child and I am beginning to think about getting my hospital bag together!!

By the time my due date comes along it will have been 3.5 years since I gave birth to our first son so I have been doing some research to remind myself of the sort of things I need to pack.

My labour last time was pretty quick so once I was examined and admitted there was actually no time to go back to the car and collect my bag, luckily, we had our phones with us so we could take some photos as soon as our son was born. My plan this time is to take two bags with me; a smaller backpack with items for during my labour which I will take in first and another one with the rest of the items in to be brought in when needed.

Lots of lists are put together by shops and websites who perhaps have an interest in convincing you (and selling to you) all the items which are ‘absolutely essential’ for your hospital stay.

Obviously, nothing is absolutely essential, and my priorities may well vary from your own, but using my previous experience (and that of a few close friends), I’ve put together a list of items we considered essential along with a few ‘nice to haves’ and a couple of items that you definitely don’t need to take … believe us!!

For You

Maternity Notes
These need to be kept close at hand and taken into hospital / to the midwife with you whenever you go. As the weeks go on I will store the notes in my hospital bag, taking them out with me as required and then returning them when home. It would be also good to keep a copy of your Birth Plan (if you have one) with your notes at this point too.

Comfortable (old) clothes to labour in.
Don’t worry about finding the perfect nightie for labour. Last time I ended up giving birth in the vest top that I arrived in (as I said, it was relatively quick) and the first thing my son did was poo on me so it went straight in the bin. This time I will also be taking some comfy trousers … just in case my labour is a little longer!

Depending on how long you end up staying on the maternity ward you will also want some loose, comfortable clothes to wear in hospital once you’re out of your nightwear and also to travel home in.

You can buy disposable maternity briefs but I don’t really like them I will be taking a couple of my old pairs which I can throw away if necessary and then I’ll be treating myself to some new ones to replace them …. any excuse!!

It’s worth remembering, if you’ve had a vaginal birth you will most probably be sore and bruised (and possibly stitched) and if you had a c-section you’ll obviously have a very sore stomach and stiches – neither option would be fun with tight fitting or uncomfortable pants!!

Maternity Towels
While we’re on the subject (sort of) don’t forget maternity towels … without going into too much detail, these are an absolute essential!! If I remember right, I found Tescos, Morrisons, Boots and Mothercare to be best. Unfortunately the ones I got from Sainsburys gave me thrush (NOT what you need when you’ve just had a baby) – I think it was something to do with the top layer. You want a smooth ‘cotton feel’ layer … not plastic!! I’m planning to take a pack of 10 in with me.

One of the best pieces of advice I was given was not to use standard sanitary towels because the top layer (which works so well when you have your period) can rub and catch any stitches you may have – eeeeekkkkk!

In my case, I’ll be taking a pair of pjs with me. Nothing too fancy; I’m afraid I always go for comfort over cute. You might also want a dressing gown for wandering around the unit, the same goes for slippers … think I’ll be taking a hoodie and a pair of flip flops!

Nursing bra / Sleep bra
Being relatively ‘well provided for’ in this area sleep bras were pretty much indispensable for me but after giving birth I’m sure this is pretty much the case for everyone. Most suppliers suggest that it’s better to get fitted later on in your pregnancy and then again a couple of days after giving birth because your size will probably change considerably. It might also be worthwhile taking some breast pads and nipple cream in with you.

Food and Drink
As mentioned, my labour in hospital was pretty quick so really had no need for anything other than water. I took a couple of bottles in with me and a pack of straws. I also packed snacks for myself and my husband, I seem to remember including Natures Valley bars, Haribo and a pack of Digestive biscuits. Due to the timing of our labour and birth I missed breakfast and so these were gratefully consumed once our son had safely arrived.

This time I plan on taking the same and also my Britta Fill & Go bottle too.

Other items you might want to consider taking:
• Water spray, face wipes, lip balm & hairbands
• TENS machine if you have decided to use one
• Toiletries & hairbrush – I know many people don’t have the energy to bother showering but it was a massive must for me to feel a little more normal
• A Towel – the hospital ones are not the most luxurious so you might want to take your own (it’s been suggested to me it should be a dark colour)
• A Pillow – especially if you have a particular favourite you can’t sleep without
• Electricals – Camera & Mobile Phone, IPad / IPod (and chargers)
• A book or magazine
• Change for the Car Park
• Change of clothes for birth partner

For Your Baby

As with the maternity towels I’m going to take a whole pack but if space is a little tight then take fewer but make sure you have left the rest somewhere obvious at home or in the car so they can be easily grabbed and brought in by a visitor if required.

I think many maternity units still prefer you use cotton wool to clean baby with so I will probably take a small pack and I also plan to use Water Wipes. They’re not cheap so I’ll buy a couple of packs and then move on to my preferred brand.

Sleepsuits / Bodysuits / Vests
Twice as many as you think you’ll need. I once heard that trying to dress a teeny baby is like trying to fit an octopus into a sandwich bag so make your life easy and pick outfits that open up down both legs.

We didn’t worry too much with our August baby but this baby is due February / March so definitely a must.

I’ll be packing a thin cotton blanket for in the hospital and also one which fits into the car seat and allows the straps through which ensures your baby is safe and snuggled up warm. The one we have is from a company called Morrck but I think you can now get them from various places.

Car Seat
They won’t let you drive home without one but don’t worry about bringing it into the hospital until you are ready to leave, it will just take up space.

What You REALLY Don’t Need
Hairdryer & Hair Straighteners
Whole Make Up Bag
5 Books
Mini bottle of champagne (yes, seriously)

A couple of links that might help …..

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Top Tip: Birthing Hospital Tips

“S” sent me her hospital tips when her second child was born who is now nearly three years old! Opps! I probably should have posted this a bit sooner, but better late than never! Thank you for this fantastic post “S”. Going to miss you ;-).

I am posting this after meeting up with an old school friend, Kathryn, on Monday, whom I haven’t seen to chat too in over 20 years! This post is for you Kathryn and all of the other pregnant ladies who read NHM ;-).

Hospital Tips

  • Pampers – not one nappy has leaked so far
  • Bikini top – so hot in the hospital this was a great thing to wear in labour
  • Disposable knickers – lots of blood very early on and actually not uncomfortable
  • Don’t bother with fancy pjs – def get blood on them even with 2 maternity towels on
  • Take nice towel for yourself – the hospital ones are tough and not really offered clean ones
  • Luxury toilet paper – a must for stitches
  • Padded maternity towels with wings were good, if stitches wear 2 on top of each other for extra padding
  • Be assertive with midwives and listen to your body not the textbook
  • Get as much help as possible with feeding – nursery nurses were brilliant, ask for breastfeeding counsellor appointment too, they come around the wards
  • Ibaby breastfeeding app excellent for iPhone to figure out feed times esp with stopping/ starting for burping etc
  • Contraction timer excellent – and gave me something to focus on during contractions
  • Fruit really good to eat during labour
  • Good idea to take a range of clothes sizes in case your baby is tiny/big
  • A bath with lavender essential oil is soothing for stitches

What’s missing from this list?

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“Breastfeeding Welcome” places in North Hampshire – Feb 2015

I’ve noticed a lot of “breastfeeding friendly” signs in the area recently.

It’s so awesome to see these signs out and about.

I’ve been meaning to try to find more details about this for ages but I only stumbled on the website below because of something that someone else mentioned on another post.

Thank you very much to Fran and Sarah for inspiring this post after our discussion on the Cafe Project post I recently published and thank you for providing the link to the website below. 

“Breastfeeding Welcome” places in North Hampshire

If you are looking for details about breastfeeding in public in Basingstoke and Deane or are a business that would like to participate, check out the following website:

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Water Babies

Hi, I’m Kate and I work for Water Babies Berkshire. We cover both Berkshire and North Hampshire and currently swimming in 23 venues with a few new ones looking good for next term!

I’m passionate about Water Babies and first heard about it when my Mum bought my little boy, then only 10 months, a term of swimming for his birthday. We started swimming and loved it so much that we asked for vouchers for Christmas presents so we continued onto our second term. My little boy is now three and a half and is still enjoying swimming with Water Babies. The added bonus is that through his swimming I heard about a job opening, applied and now I’ve been here six months!

Water Babies has given us both great water confidence, they actually teach you as the parent to teach your baby to swim. We are a family value-based company and embrace every child that swims with us. We understand that children learn at different speeds and our lessons are taught in stages over a ten week period to encourage all children to move along at the same level.

Rebooking for your next term is so easy, if you wish to continue in your class for the following term you don’t even need to remember to rebook since we automatically do this for you!

Water Babies has given me a wonderful bond with my son; he loves messing around with Daddy in the pool but Mummy is for lessons and “proper swimming”! I can actually say, that out of all the baby clubs and courses you do as a parent (and I was lucky enough to stay at home with my son from birth to three) Water Babies was THE best thing that I did with him.

Not only did I get lots of cuddles with him in the pool and afterwards to for our “ahem” afternoon nap, but it’s given him a vital life-saving skill. He knows what to do if he falls into water and he is able to swim to the surface, turn himself around, get to the side and hold on! This to me is one of the best gifts he has been given. I wish I had done the same with my twin daughters when they were little.

Water Babies sets your child on a journey which takes them right up until they start school. After that we are lucky enough to be able to refer our little swimmers onto another swim school. Our terms run over 10 weeks during term time only, meaning that swimming does not interfere with your family holidays.

At the end of each term we hold an underwater photo shoot, which gives you as a parent the amazing opportunity not only to have an eleventh lesson but to get a forever keepsake of your time at Water Babies. Your little one will never be that small again and seeing them underwater is an amazing experience.

We set up a full underwater studio, including a backdrop and lighting and use some great professional photographers that are amongst the best in their field. We always aim to get you at least one fantastic shot however most parents get at least 12 amazing pictures to choose from.

We offer a beginners package, consisting of your first ten weeks of swimming and an automatic place on one of our shoots. All our swimmers are required to wear a neoprene nappy in the pool which we call Happy Nappys. These help to keep the pool safe from any little accidents that might happen during your lesson.

These can be bought directly from us at Water Babies when you book on or online from our website Babies can start with us at any age.

We offer hydro pools for those under 12 pounds or 12 weeks old and all of our other pools are heated to at least 30 degrees making them lovely to swim in. Having tried a few out now myself, I can actually say that.

The best bit now! We are taking bookings for beginners on Tuesday 13th January for our February term which starts w/c Monday 9th February.

All you have to do is call us on 01256 844926 on the 13th and we can find you and your little one the most suitable class for you and get you booked on our next course.

Please feel free to follow us on Twitter and Facebook you can find us at:

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The Maternity Nanny

NHM: I met Sarah when she came to the NHM Christmas Expo and feel REALLY bad for not getting her Guest Post out sooner! Here it, finally, is!

The Maternity Nanny

I really enjoyed my day at the NorthHantsMums Christmas Expo and just wanted to share with all you amazing mums, a little bit about what I have to offer you and your little ones.

I work throughout Hampshire, Berkshire and Wiltshire as a night nanny, maternity nanny and sleep consultant. I trained at The Norland Nursery Training College and have worked with families and their babies and young children for nearly 25 years (wow – that makes me feel old!!).

Most of my work revolves around the sleeping habits of babies and small children! Unwelcome night time waking and erratic sleep patterns can impact on the whole family. We often struggle as parents, due to our own tiredness, to find a resolution to these problems, and end up doing everything and anything we can, just to get some sleep!

A newborn baby may wake two, three, or maybe more times during the night to feed.  This is perfectly normal as their little tummies can only hold small volumes of milk. Over time it is possible to encourage longer periods of sleep, and I feel that by “starting as you mean to go on” in the early weeks, parents are able to achieve peaceful nights sooner than they imagined.

Over the age of 6 months, babies frequent night waking and feeds are often related to their struggles with self soothing and being unable to fall asleep without help (rocking, feeding, sucking etc), rather than a need for nutrition. It is possible to gently teach your baby how to settle to sleep independently at the beginning of the night, and to re-settle in the middle of the night when transitioning between sleep cycles.

Positive sleep associations lead to happy bedtimes, peaceful transitions to sleep and restful nights for everyone. I believe my gentle, calm and consistent approach is reassuring for parents and their babies or children. At all times I follow the “safer sleep for babies” recommendations of The Lullaby Trust (formerly FSID) and the guidelines of the NHS for reducing the risk of cot death.

I support families in a variety of ways including one off consultations, advice and practical support with feeding your baby in your home during the day, and night time support in your home allowing you to catch up on some much needed sleep.

I am also keen to offer group consultations if you have a Mother & Baby Group, ante-natal group or some like minded friends who would all like to learn some strategies to encourage your little ones sleep.

For more information please take a look at my website or contact me on 07974 705693.

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22 Strategies for Returning to work

(Nearly all of these strategies can be applied to those who aren’t returning to work ;-))

1. De-clutter

Get rid of the clutter before your maternity leave ends. Box up all the baby clothes that you want to keep and put them in the loft and then sort the others out into “recycle”, “give away” and “sell”. (Did you know you can recycle clothes even when they are covered in stains?)

Do not buy lots and lots of toys for your children, they will not appreciate them. Especially as they will be spending some time in nursery or at a childminders or somewhere else that will have toys. The toys that you have, make sure you can tidy them up easily and quickly.

Find a place for everything and “train” the rest of the family to put things back where they belong. In our house, Miss NHM is way, way, way better than Mr NHM at doing this, possibly because it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks :-D. (Hi Darling! :-D)

Make sure there is a place near the front door for your car keys, mobile and wallet. Not too close to the front door and high enough that small children can’t get to them. I have a friend (Hi Jo! :-D) whose toddler was notorious for hiding car keys and she could never find them and was often late to things as a result.

Getting rid of the clutter and giving everything a home reduces the time you spend putting things away and hunting things down. Time you won’t have when you are back at work.

2. Get a cleaner

Our cleaner is awesome. She costs £40 a month and  comes to clean for 1.5 hours every two weeks. Yes, it’s £40 but for the sake of your sanity and spare time, it will be the best £40 you will ever spend. Tracy, our cleaner, has literally saved my marriage on a number of occasions! Lol.

Yes, I know that some of you can’t bear the thought of having someone clean your house (Hi Laura! :-D) but if you can get over it, you will be doing yourself a MASSIVE favour.

3. Don’t iron anything

Yup, I’m lazy and hate ironing, so I don’t do it. If anything in our house needs ironing I get Mr NHM to do it. Or I just don’t buy anything that needs ironing.

If you are desperate, use the hot shower Tip. This saved me on a number of work trips abroad! 😉

4. Meal plan

There is nothing worse than falling through the door after work and thinking “S**t, we’ve got nothing for dinner!?!?!?!”.

This post HERE that I wrote in 2012 is still the system that we follow in our house for meal planning.

5. Have a slow cooker, preferably two

We have two slow cookers. One that is massive (it’s big enough to fit a whole chicken in) and one that is small and makes enough for the thee of us with no leftovers. I’m so in love with my slow cooker that I even take it on holiday with us!!

Roast chicken in the slow cooker is a dream and the leftover chicken can be used the following few days in, chicken salad, paella, etc..

Last year I sent out lots of slow cooker recipes that I have tried and tested. If you would also like a copy of these recipes please email me at and I will forward them on again.

6. Beg, borrow or steal* a tumble dryer

This one speaks for itself.

You especially need access to a tumble dryer if you are returning to work before your child has finished weaning.

7. Beg, borrow or steal* a large freezer

I have a “slummy mummy” confession to make… we often “freezer dive” for meals when we’ve both been in the office.

I recommend checking out this link HERE about potential emergency meals. Or make your own if you have time ;-).

8. Beg, Borrow or steal* a dishwasher

And teach your husband, partner, children, how to load it and unload it 😉

9. Batch cook

Check out my previous post about A day of freezer cooking.

I often try to make extra of a meal and feezer into meal sized portions, just to take the pressure off another day.

10. Use technology to its best advantage

Make sure you sync all your email accounts to your mobile. This is mandatory, especially if your nursery or school uses email. It’s also mandatory for keeping on top of things.

Get yourself a Goggle calendar set up and make sure each person in the family has a google calendar and you can access and edit it. This is fundamental for when you are in the office and need to update diaries.

Synchronise your diary with any “adults” in your family at least once a week. Mr NHM and I review the following month every Sunday evening. Without fail. The times we haven’t done this someone there has nearly always been a schedule crisis that week.

11. Subscribe to your doctors, dentists, nursery and vets text message alerts

There will come a time when you get distracted by work and forget to add something to your calendar in your mobile. A text message from the doctors reminding you about your child’s immunisation shot appointments can be a god send! ( I speak from experience here, <blush>).

12. Charge your technology every other evening

This is ironic because I never do this, Mr NHM has to do it for me! lol. However, in my work rucksack I have chargers for each mobile (I carry three with me) and I also splashed out and bought mobile chargers for my car.

13. Get a car with a hands free phone built in (but only if you can afford it!!)

This has revolutionised my life. I actually have conversations with my friends these days, albeit nearly always on the way to or from work.

14. Find a reliable Babysitter

We asked around at Miss NHM’s nursery and her key worker has been our babysitter for the past two years. She’s pretty much part of our family now! lol.

If you are struggling with finding a babysitter, please check out my previous post on NHM HERE.

15. Have a regular Date Night

I know that going on a regular Date Night when your children are small is really tough. It’s so worthwhile though. We can really tell in our household, when Mr NHM and I haven’t been on Date Night for a while 😉

If you are looking for some suggestions of what to do, please check out these previous posts HERE, HERE and HERE. Or, just arrange for a babysitter and go out for a walk. It’s a great way to chat in a neutral environment whilst getting some light exercise at the same time.

16. Find a mobile hairdresser

You will not have time to make a hair appointment because they are nearly always in working hours. Unless you want to get up early on Saturday morning, but who wants to do that after a week at work! So find someone who can come to you out of normal working hours. It will save your sanity, and hair many, many times.

Check out these pages on NHM for a list of mobile hairdressers and mobile beauticians

17. Do NOT schedule lots of classes on the weekend to make up for your guilt about putting junior into nursery in the week

This one speaks for itself ;-). Weekends should be family time.

18. Online Food Shopping

Learn how to order your shopping online BEFORE you go back to work and try to find an online service that has an App on your phone. I actually cheat and use a competitor app because it’s really good, and then transfer it across to the supermarket I use when I make an order ;-).

We also have a regular vegetable delivery each week and fresh fish delivered to our door every two months. It’s one less thing for me to think about.

19. Before your maternity leave starts, try to wean yourself of any TV soaps you are addicted too

You won’t have time to watch them when you return to work. Yes, seriously.

20. Only have one child

Ok, so this one is a little bit flippant, but I’m well aware that having more than one child is at least double the work and then some.

I have no idea how people with three or more children manage it. Mucho respect!

21. Find something for YOU!

When I returned to work I became a mother, wife and worker and it felt like I was nothing but those three roles. However, you are still you, with hopes and dreams. You still need time to be you, so do not feel guilty about taking time out for yourself. I know this is easier said than done. I’ve been there.

But you will be a better Mum, wife and worker if you do make time for yourself. Have a look at this post HERE I wrote a few years ago, for some ideas for time for yourself.

22. You are doing an amazing job!

Every so often, when at work or at home, congratulate yourself on being a superior multi-tasker.

Being a parent is very hard at times and the learning curve can be very steep, but it’s an amazing life skill :-D.

*Obviously I don’t really mean you should steal these items 😉