Treasure Baskets

I’ve been trying to write this post for nearly three years! It was one of the reasons I started NHM, but I was too inexperienced at the beginning to use my own words. I know this is the cardinal sin of blogging, so I’ve finally got around to putting this down in my own words!

I discovered the joy of Treasure Baskets when my little one was very small and I joined a Baby PEEP class at a local Children’s Centre. The PEEP class was by far the best class I attended and I learnt an awful lot.  I’m so disappointed to see that baby PEEP is no longer on the Children’s centre timetables.

Treasure baskets and boxes are such a simple idea, but so effective. Miss NHM was 10 weeks old when we were both introduced to treasure baskets and I was amazed at how enthralled she was with them, even at 10 weeks old!

I still remember vividly how absorbed she became with each of the items and how she was leaning into the basket, at 10 weeks old, to see what she could find. It was one of the defining moments for me, of the first few months of her life.

Apparently Treasure baskets have been used for decades by childcare professionals as a means of teaching young babies how to select, touch, taste and feel. They are closely linked to the Montessori teaching method.

You don’t need to spend any money on your treasure baskets and boxes. After the PEEP class, I remember getting home and going through the house finding things that I thought would be suitable. I found things that were too big for Miss NHM to swallow but had lots of different textures.

The items in the basket changed over the months as Miss NHM’s understanding grew. She still plays with several of the items now, including a plastic hand held juicer that I’ve never actually used!

Over the past three years, I’ve read a lot about treasure baskets and spent a lot of time putting them together. Below are some ideas for treasure baskets that I’ve used. I hope you find them useful, especially if this rain continues!

Ideas for Treasure Baskets

Natural objects

  • Pine Cones – make sure all the seeds have been removed/shaken out
  • big shells
  • Large walnuts
  • Pumice stones
  • Fruit


  • rattles
  • spoons
  • bowls
  • napkin rings 


  • Spoons
  • tea strainer
  • bunch of keys
  • garlic squeezer

Here are some tips to enhance the experience:

  • Place the basket close to your child so they can reach each object and move things around easily
  • Pick a time when they are well fed and alert – their enjoyment will last longer.
  • Whilst it’s really an experience for them to indulge in by themselves, it’s important to be close by so you can step in if they need help.
  • Change and move the items around in the basket to keep the activity fresh.
  • Check the basket regularly to ensure all of the items are still intact and therefore, not dangerous for your child to play with.
  • Once your baby becomes mobile, place baskets on shelves low to the ground so they can help themselves to different objects.

Treasure Box Resources

Etsy treasure baskets (you can buy an already made treasure basket from here…but where’s the fun in that!)

Treasure Basket Play (American website but still has some good ideas)

Netmums: treasure baskets (a great list for treasure baskets with themes)

Do you have any other suggestions for treasure baskets for other Mum’s to use?

Parents new to Basingstoke and North Hampshire

I’ve had several messages recently from Mum’s who have moved to the area and stumbled across NHM.

I have had some lovely feedback saying how helpful the NHM posts have been with finding out what is available in the area and keeping tabs on what is going on.

I thought I would do a summary post for parents who are new to the area, which brings together all of the previous posts and some of my suggestions. 

Hope they help!

Tips for raising children in a new area

1. Review the Day pages on NHM

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help myself! lol. These pages give you a summary of what’s going on each day for children aged 6 and under.

They are sorted by day, so you can click on the day and see an alphabetical list of classes that are available on that day.

2. Find a Mum network in the area

There are lots of  very good groups on Facebook which support Mum’s in the area. I’ve put together a page which has a list of all of the groups that you can join via NorthHantsMum.

3. Join the secret “Mum’s and Dad’s new to Basingstoke and North Hampshire” NHM group on Facebook

Contact me directly at to be added to this group.

The following posts may also be useful

Softplay Centres

Swimming Pools in North Hampshire suitable for Babies and Children

Days out in Hampshire


Do you have any other suggestions for parents who are new to the area?

Don’t miss out on future posts like this – you can receive updates directly to your inbox by email by adding your email address to the box on the top right of this page and hitting subscribe. You can also follow NorthHantsMum onTwitter,Facebook PageFacebook ProfileLinkedIn and Feedly. I hope to see you there!

Basingstoke Homebirth Group

Denise sent me a message via NHM Friend asking me to let you know about the Basingstoke Homebirth Group: 

I co-ordinate meetings for the Basingstoke Homebirth Group and we meet monthly at a member’s home.

Meetings are a very informal chance to discuss any aspect of homebirth over a cup of tea and a biscuit. We generally have a mixture of parents that have had a homebirth and midvives/doulas attending.

Our aim is to share information and support those interested in planning a homebirth.

Details of meetings are posted on our Facebook page “Basingstoke Homebirth” and email address is for any enquiries.

SPD (PGP): My experience

I was diagnosed with SPD when I was 5 months pregnant. I had actually developed SPD much earlier, but hadn’t realised. It was only when I attended my first ante-natal class and mentioned that I couldn’t lift my feet more than an inch off the ground, that the Ante-natal teacher suggested that I had SPD and would need to see a Doctor. Within a month I was on crutches.

SPD, also known as PGD, happens when the weight of the baby becomes too much for your hips. Some say the pain is also caused by the loosening of the ligaments, in preparation for giving birth. All I know is that it hurt and it was progressive. Apparently SPD is more common these days because babies are heavier due to Mum’s having better diets. My little one wasn’t that heavy when she was born, she was just under 8lbs.

The last four months of pregnancy were a blur of pain for me.

I went to physio at the hospital for a few weeks, but when I was 7 months pregnant they said there was nothing more they could do for me. I spent the last two months of my pregnancy signed off work (oh and they made me pay back a month’s wages). I could barely manage to get off the sofa.

I would get up in the morning, try to shower (which was unbearably painful as I had to try to crawl into the shower) and would spend the rest of the day recovering, waiting for my husband to come home from work to help me back up the stairs. I even tried not to drink too much as we don’t have a toilet downstairs, so I would literally crawl up the stairs to go to the toilet. It was a 20 minute process to get up and down the stairs.

I cannot describe how painful the grinding of my hips became. As my little one became heavier, as she came to full term, the more pain I was in. It was impossible to walk, let alone drive. Two years later I still have flashes of pain and still remember what that intense pain was like. I still can’t push a trolley, so if you see that Mum struggling in Sainsburys with a toddler who keeps wanting to run off, it’s probably me! 😉

The reason I am sharing this is because, if you are like me,  you may not have realised that anything was wrong. I found a great physiotherapist, Ian Harrison, who managed to keep me mobile enough so that I could get up and down the stairs in the last few months (even if it did take 20 minutes each time!). If you are pregnant and can’t lift your foot more than an inch off the ground, you need to get this checked out as there is support for you.

I also found a fantastic website: The Pelvic Partnership

However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel if you are suffering. Two days after the birth of my little one, I no longer needed crutches. Last weekend, I actually sprinted (little one likes to run off!) for the first time in 20 years. It is likely that you will get your mobility back, and possibly very quickly, but it depends on many factors.

If you suffer, or have suffered, from SPD, you have my sympathies! I urge you to get some kind of support if you are suffering with this pain.

The Importance of Skin to Skin

This weeks theme is “Babies”.

I only picked up on how important skin to skin is when my little one turned a month old. We didn’t have a very easy time with breastfeeding, for several reasons, but it was only when I went to see Lorraine, one of the breastfeeding counselors at North Hampshire Hospital, that it became apparent to me how important skin to skin is. I am eternally grateful to Lorraine for her pearls of wisdom.

I made sure that in the morning I spent as much time as possible skin to skin with my little one. This was fairly easy to do as it was summer time (this was last year, so nowhere near as much rain!) but I can imagine that in winter time it can be quite difficult to do this. My husband also found skin to skin very rewarding and whilst we spent our first few days as a family in hospital, he spent a lot of time with our little one on his chest. The nurses at the hospital were all cool with it as I’m sure they’ve seen it all before!

Even if you aren’t breastfeeding, skin to skin is still very important. Once my little one switched to bottles I had to make a conscious effort to make sure that skin to skin still happened.

My little one is now 17 months old and if I am not dashing to work in the morning I always make sure that the first feed of the day is skin to skin. My little one has always had her milk first thing in the morning so it’s worked out pretty well to be able to do this. I’ve noticed that my little one always needs to touch my skin when I’m holding her now. She puts her hand on the edge of my top or around the back of my neck. It makes my heart sing when she does this and reminds me of when she was really tiny. I’m sure that the skin to skin approach has helped us to bond as I really miss it if we haven’t been able to make time for it.

Whether you agree with skin to skin or not, and based on my experience,  I would really recommend trying to do this as much as possible, especially in the first few months. I can imagine this is really difficult to do with your baby if you have more than one child. Does anyone have any suggestions about to manage this complexity?

If you would like more information about the importance of skin to skin, please check out some of the links below:

13 Things to do in Basingstoke with a newborn


1. Subscribe to NorthHantsMum

Obviously! :-D. 

The best way to ensure that you receive each post is subscribe using the “Email Sign Up” box” on the right hand side of the home page of Every time there is a new post on NHM you will receive an email in your inbox.

I get the most interaction on” Louise NHM Smith” on Facebook . The best discussions and comments are always via “Louise NHM Smith“, so I also recommend adding me as a friend. Don’t worry, I don’t ever look at anyones’ profiles. I don’t have the time or interest! lol.

Also ask to join the secret “Newborn”  (or “Pregnancy”) facebook group that I have set up on “Louise NHM Smith” for parents of Newborns. It’s a great way to meet other Mum’s who are in the same stage of babyhood as you.

2. Join a Baby PEEP course

Click for more details about what a PEEP course and Baby Sensory.

3. Go swimming with your baby

Go swimming with your baby (after 12 weeks old) at the Sports Centre in the week or QMC swimming pool at the weekend. See Swimming with Babies for more details. You can check out other baby and child friendly swimming pools. Or maybe look into structured classes with Water Babies.

4. Go to a baby weighing clinic

Go to The Nest at Chineham Church on a Monday morning. I always found the cafe area to be lovely as everyone was very friendly and willing to chat to each other, even if you didn’t know them beforehand! You can check out other baby weighing clinics: Baby Weighing Clinics in Basingstoke. 

5. Visit a local coffee or tea shop

Visit the Little Roses Coffee Shop in Elm Tree Garden Centre for coffee and cake with your friends who are also on maternity leave. You can find other baby friendly tea and coffee shops: Reasonably Priced Afternoon Tea‘s and NHM Recommended Children friendly Coffee Shops.  I also recently reviewed The Parlour TeaRoom which also comes highly recommended.

6. Go to the Newbies cinema

Go to Newbies cinema on a Monday morning at the Odeon. It’s specifically for parents with babies. The sound is reduced and it’s half lighting so you can still see your baby. Much cheaper than normal cinema tickets and includes free biscuits and tea and coffee (if you get there before the Senior cinema oldies demolish the lot at 11am!). Also recommend signing up to their Odeon Club as you get points and it’s amazing how quickly they rack up and convert into free tickets or free food! Miss NHM went to the cinema every week from 3 weeks old till 6 months old!

7. Take a Baby Massage Course

You can book independently here or investigate whether one of the local children’s centres has a course. (this tends to work out much cheaper!) Gail who often does the courses is lovely and a real calming influence.

8. Go to a Baby Rhymetime session

Go to a Baby RhymeTime session (normally hosted at one of the libraries).

9. Visit “Coffee and Chat on a Friday morning

Visit “Coffee and Chat” on a Friday morning. This group also host a “Sling Day” on the 1st Friday of the month (see Slings for previous posts about slings) and they also do bra fittings on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

10. Have a photography session with your newborn

You can click Family Photographers in North Hampshire for a list of family friendly photographers in the area. Some do specific newborn packages, so have a look through.

11. Join a local baby class

There are LOADS going on in the area (Tots Play, Buggy Fit, Baby Signing and Baby Sensory are just a few). To find more details about which classes are available have a look at the Activities Page on which lists classes by day.

12. Take some hand prints whilst your baby is tiny

Get a head start on those all important first Christmas presents at Pots2Paint. Perfect for creating keepsakes from your baby for your loved ones.


I found it really important to get out and about with my little one in those first few months. The house became thoroughly neglected but it was totally worth it for my sanity!

If you have any friends who have just had a baby, don’t forget to share this post with them!

Don’t miss out on future posts like this – you can receive updates directly to your inbox by email by adding your email address to the box on the top right of this page and hitting subscribe. You can also follow NorthHantsMum onTwitter,Google+Facebook Profile, LinkedIn and Feedly. I hope to see you there! 

First Aid Angels in Basingstoke 2012

Vicky contacted me about publicising her First Aid course on Guest Post Wednesday.
Vicky is a local Mum who runs First Aid Angels in Basingstoke:

First Aid Angels are a local Health & Safety Executive approved first aid training company run by a highly trained and experienced Registered nurse.

We  offer a  very popular 2 hour Parents first aid course at your own home for small groups , in the daytime and evenings. Babies are welcome too!

The training is relaxed and friendly , delivered by very experienced and highly trained first aiders with nursing/emergency services backgrounds.

We cover the key subjects about infant and child first aid to help you feel more confident and competent  and all questions are welcome !

We use manikins for the practical and each person receives a written training guide with the theory about the subjects that are covered. All subjects are taught in accordance with the UK Resuscitation Council guidelines.

We can be contacted by our website or email  

This would be a great activity for a new ante-natal group who’ve all had their babies and would like some reassurance in first aid techniques.

Feel free to share the flyer with anyone who doesn’t read NHM (don’t they know what they are missing out on?!?!?! lol). 

Best of luck with the business Vicky!

Slings and Sling Meets in Basingstoke

You may have seen that I recently put out a plea to see if anyone had any advice or details about slings. I wish I had been able to find more about slings before my little one was born because once she was here there was no time to get things sorted. I really wanted to get one but had no idea where to start. I ended up buying a really expensive sling from Mama’s and Papa’s which we’ve used twice. Not the wisest of decisions.
After seeing my plea, Martina sent me a document that she wrote with Heather that she has very kindly given me permission to publish here. There is also a PDF document enclosed in this post which Martina sent which details the T.I.C.K.S. rule for safe baby wearing. I am going to post this on Thursday. If you are looking to buy a sling I urge you to read this document first.
Martina also highlighted information about your local sling meet which you can find from the following two websites:
Thank you very much to Martina and Heather for the details.
Please add a comment if you think the details will be useful as I’d like to pass that feedback onto Martina and Heather.
SLING GUIDE: Choosing a Sling for your Baby
by Heather Chinn and Martina Kraner
A sling should be on every new parent’s wish list. It is the closest thing to an  extra pair of hands you are likely to come across. They are infallible for  soothing a grizzly or colicky infant, keep the baby happy while letting you get  on with essential chores, and are invaluable while out and about, whether  travelling on public transport, negotiating steps, escalators and busy shops, or  on country walks.
So many slings are available today we are spoilt for choice, but the selection  is so wide it can be bewildering. When choosing a sling it is best to consider  when and how you plan to use it, if anyone else will be using it, and whether  you have the patience to master one of the trickier types. Or you could buy more  than one for different purposes.
Soft carriers which have been tried, tested and have had the seal of approval  from experienced sling users are usually sold by online vendors or at baby  shows, including NCT shop that has some new exciting ranges coming up in the near future.
But opportunities to try different types before you buy are available at local  sling meets held throughout the UK. They are organised by volunteers to help  others make the right choice of sling and they are also a good chance to meet  other new parents for coffee and a chat as well as sling tips. For information  about your local sling meet visit . The Basingstoke slingmeet at Buttercups children’s centre is no longer operational, but we will have slings regularly at the NCT Coffee and Chat on Friday’s if there is sufficient interest.
A wealth of helpful and friendly advice about slings is available at the UK  parenting forum . Clear, concise, independent information  about different types of sling, the best places to find them and how to use them  is set out at , a website set up by experienced and  impartial sling users to help parents choose and use the sling which is right  for them. As with all baby equipment the safety of your child is the top priority in  making your choice,  so do ensure you choose from recommended brands, follow the  instructions for use, and check for wear and tear with secondhand slings.
But be warned, they can be just as addictive as handbags and shoes, and you  might find yourself building up a collection! With that in mind, read on for a  brief guide to the most  popular types of sling.
Pouch Slings.
A pouch sling is a simple tube of fabric with one half folded inside the other  to form a pocket which is worn across the body like a sash. It allows a baby to  be carried in a variety of positions, for example upright facing in, or sitting on the parent’s hip. It can be used  from birth to toddlerhood by altering the carry position, and allows an older  baby to have arms and legs outside the sling. Pouches are made in a variety of materials from cuddly fleece to cool linen and  are quite cheap in comparison to other types of sling. They are also quick to  master, easy to put on in a hurry, and pack up small to carry in a change bag.  Unfolded, they can be used as car seat or buggy blankets, especially the fleece  types. They do, however, place all the weight on one shoulder, which can get  tiring for long periods with an older baby, and they have to be made to fit the  wearer so it is unlikely a partner could use it as well.
Ring Slings.
A ring sling is a long length of fabric with two rings sewn in at one end. The  other end of the material is threaded through the rings like a belt to form a  pocket for the baby with a tail of fabric hanging down. Ring slings are worn  over the shoulder like pouch slings and have the same variety of carries, but  the rings allow for adjustability in different positions and for different  wearers.
They come in a range of fabrics, can be padded or unpadded, and some are frankly  stunning for special occasions. However, learning to adjust the rings for a  comfortable fit takes a bit of practice – the rings are meant to sit in what the  Americans call the corsage position, not cutting into your neck. The types of shoulder vary (for example gathered, pleated, etc.) and what suits one person may not suit another. And, like the  pouch slings, they place all the weight on one shoulder.
Mei Tais.
These are a traditional type of Asian baby carrier. They consist of a shaped  piece of fabric to fit around the baby’s body with long straps at the base and  the top. The lower pair of straps tie around the wearer’s waist, and the top pair goes over the shoulders.
Mei tais can be used on the wearer’s front, back or hip, and, as the weight is spread  across both shoulders, they are very comfortable for long periods and with  heavier babies. They can be used by different sized adults without any  adjustments, and are suitable for babies with good head control until well into  toddlerhood.
Most mei tais come in a sumptuous range of fabric designs but plainer ones are  available for fathers! They are very easy to use, although back carrying single  handed takes a bit more practice. The only disadvantage is the length of the  straps which can trail on the ground while putting one on outside.
Soft Structured Carriers.
These are superficially similar to the mass-produced baby carriers available in  many high street mother and baby stores, having a padded body and fastening with  straps and buckles but, unlike the mass-produced carriers, are designed to take  the weight of heavy babies and toddlers. They can be used on the wearer’s front  or back, and, as the weight is distributed across both shoulders, they are very  comfortable for long periods.
They are quick and easy to put on, but if the carrier is to be shared with a  different sized adult you will have to learn to adjust the fitting of the  buckles. They are suitable for babies from about three-months-old until well  into toddlerhood. Some makes come in a beautiful range of fabrics, while others  are more utilitarian in style.
Wraps. W
raps are very long lengths of material which are wrapped around the wearer and  baby, and tied. They are very versatile, allowing a complete range of carries on  one or both of the wearer’s shoulders, can be used by different sized adults and  are very comfortable for long periods.
They come in either stretchy or woven material. Stretchy wraps are easier to use  but do not give as much support for an older baby, so they become less  comfortable as the baby grows.
Woven wraps can be used from birth into toddlerhood but are more difficult to  master. All wraps require some practice before using them but most makers  include very detailed instructions and/or DVDs. They are not, however, the  quickest to put on and the lengths of fabric do trail on the ground while you  are wrapping.
The range of slings and soft carriers now available in the UK is very large so  only the most common types have been described in detail. Framed back pack carriers are not covered because, while many may be excellent  for hiking the Pennines carrying a toddler and outdoor activity gear, most  people find soft slings are more suitable for their everyday needs, and are far  less cumbersome, much lighter to wear and give babies the reassurance of contact  with a carer’s body.
The mass-produced carriers available in high street stores vary greatly in  quality and in comfort for the wearer. While for many experienced sling users  they were their first introduction to the convenience of hands-free baby care,  few would buy one for a second child as they tend to be comfortable only when  used with very young babies, making them a very expensive purchase for the time  they are used.
Have fun choosing!

Amber Teething necklace’s

I was incredibly sceptical about the Amber teething necklaces. Someone at my Husband’s work recommended them to him and gave him the link so he ordered one. I thought it was a total waste of money and probably wouldn’t work. However, my husband isn’t the kind of guy to buy into “New Age B****ks” (his words, not mine) but the fact that he’d gone to such effort made me think I ought to at least try the necklace out on our little one.

Much to his delight, I’ve had to eat my words. I cannot praise this small necklace enough. You can totally tell when my little one isn’t wearing her necklace. Without it she’s grimbly, she dribbles lots more and she constantly has her fingers in her mouth pressing against her gums. With it, she’s a delightful, smiley, happy child. In fact, several people have commented that she’s one of the happiest babies they have met and I often wonder if it isn’t down to this little necklace.

She also looks very cute when she’s wearing it and is just in her nappy. Like a little Oompaloompa or Pygmy Tribal Warrior! Annnyway, I couldn’t recommend the necklaces enough. Just don’t lose it at swimming like I did so we had to buy another one!

Amber Teething Necklaces

One point I hadn’t picked up on but have just seen whilst reading the blurb is to: Avoid getting the necklaces wet and occasionally allow the amber to recharge by exposing to natural sunlight.

This is NOT a sponsored post and I’m receiving no money or any other perks for recommending Amber necklaces.