My Year: 2015

2015 has been a PHENOMENAL year for me!

I have become a student of the Law of Attraction and it’s had an amazing effect on my life this year.

The Law of Attraction has really been working in my favour. I’ve met some wonderful people, had some awesome experiences and am so grateful for all of these.

Several things have happened this year that I never would have foreseen. For example, getting an email out of the blue asking if I would like to review the new John Lewis at home and Waitrose store a month before they opened was pretty awesome!

I am INCREDIBLY proud of NorthHantsMum, not just for the impact it’s had on my life but the impact that it has had on so many of you. From needing to ask a question to other local parents, to finding a class in the area, to recommendations of things to do with little ones, and to the NHM Writers who so willingly volunteer to write posts when I can’t attend events. I had no idea that NHM would grow to be what it is when I first started it back in June 2011 but I’m grateful for what it is now.

My Year: 2015

January 2015

  • Another Airkix jump
  • Miss NHM had chicken pox for the second time

February 2015

March 2015

April 2015

May 2015

  • Organised one of my best friends Hen Do’s – got to FINALLY do clay pigeon shooting
  • NHM Summer 2015 Expo – AMAZING!!!!
  • Review of Bumblebee Holistic Therapy – Thank you Lowri!

June 2015

  • Another awesome Yurting holiday
  • My Sky Dive
  • One of my best friends weddings
  • Style Council at Festival Place

July 2015

  • Miss NHM’s settling in sessions at school

August 2015

  • My awesome new necklace from Liane at Smallprint
  • National Playdays 2015
  • The new website was launched

September 2015

October 2015

  • Seeing the new John Lewis at Home and Waitrose a month before it opened when it was still being built
  • Mr NHM got his allotment after five years of being on the waiting list (which I was hugely sceptical about but which has been a blessing in disguise as he’s taken Miss NHM with him which has given me more time to work on NHM! lol)
  • Tour of the Bluebells to see where the money we have raised will be used.
  • A 1-2-1 relaxation class with Kath at Relax Adults
  • A much needed half term holiday

November 2015

  • NHM Christmas 2015 Expo – raised £650 for Piam Brown Children’s Ward
  • Whitchurch Silk Mill tour – Look out for a Review very soon on NHM

December 2015

  • The Christmas Food Boxes for Basingstoke which I thought hadn’t gone out to many people but actually went out to over 400 of you!
I’m sure there are loads of other things that happened but these are the ones that stick in my mind.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

A massive thank you and happy new year to Everyone that has used our services on NorthHantsMum during 2015.
It’s been a pleasure and I’m looking forward to helping you even more in 2016!!! YAY! 😀

My Experience: Things I have learnt since Miss NHM started school…

The school run sucks but you get used to it. Sigh.

Not to buy more than one logo’d T-shirt or cardigan. Even though we had labelled everything in advance, Miss NHM lost a logo’d cardigan (£16!!!) in the first week of school, we think because the ironed on label fell off. Miss NHM also refuses to wear her logo’d T-shirts because the logo scratches on the inside.  So, next year she will be getting one logo’d cardigan and one T-shirt which she will only be allowed to wear for school photography day ;-).

That “Biff and Chip” books are soul destroying.

Stamping clothes is the ONLY way to go! I bought the stamp and pad from Stamptastic and they have been fantastic. No more needing to get the iron out, iron on labels falling off and it’s very easy to immediately stamp clothes as we get them. The stamp also works on plastic, socks, pants, books, etc and we’ve used it on a weekly basis since Miss NHM started school. I also bought the white pen which enabled me to label everything black, including Miss NHM’s shoes (which she actually hasn’t lost yet, shock, horror! :-D)

Attendance at school suddenly becomes this MASSIVE thing. We have literally had a letter home every week about this, including an attendance sheet. If the school spent the time on teaching children, that they are spending on these letters, I’d be more comfortable with it!

Your child will be “tested” within the first 6 weeks of starting YR. They will also be weighed and measured, but you can choose to opt out of this.

It’s worth buying school uniform online in June/July. We bought most of ours from Tu Sainsburys because I’ve been really impressed with their clothes previously. I managed to order everything we needed, in the right size, and have it delivered in to store. I also sneakily did it when they had their 25% off available. You can save a fortune on uniform doing it this way. We also bought the logo’d stuff from SkoolKit (how are we supposed to teach our children to spell!!!), which gets VERY busy in August. Skoolkit normally have 10% off during the last week of the July term, although you might have to queue for a while!

I also recommend if you can afford it, having an outfit for every day. Otherwise you will find yourself washing clothes at midnight one evening realising that you’ve run out of pinafores and white T-shirts. Yup, been there, done that :-D.

If your child needs a specific piece of clothing for the Christmas play (like black trousers and a black T-shirt) don’t leave it until a week before (yes, that’s a week before, not even a day before!) to get sorted because it’s a given that Amazon Prime will let you down and you will have to schlep through town on your lunch break to find a plain black t shirt and there won’t be any ANYWHERE and you will be pulled aside by the teacher a day before “dress rehearsal day” telling you that you MUST get the outfit sorted in time. (Obviously this didn’t happen to me ;-))

That schools no longer have school nurses and if you want to speak to the “school nurse” you have to ring a number at the hospital and someone will phone you back “hopefully within a week”!!!!??!?!

If your child goes to any sort of after school care straight from school, expect to lose at least two jumpers or cardigans each term (see above about logo’ cardigans and Tshirts).

Toilet humour suddenly becomes a big thing once your little one starts school. Miss NHM is obsessed with the word “bottom” and likes to use it all the time, including at the most inappropriate time, and then likes to laugh manically after she’s said the word. Sigh.

It’s called the school RUN for a reason 😉

Find out where the lost property box is as soon as you can.

It’s worth buying a water bottle which is pre-named or, like me, getting a selection of water bottles in for whenever your child loses theirs. We’ve gone through three already!!!

That every week there is something extra to do, from providing a white shirt to make a super hero’s cape, collecting for harvest festival, baking cakes for the school fayre, selling raffle tickets, non uniform day, and on and on and on it goes. It never ends.

If you are taking your child out of school for a medical appointment, you need to provide written proof of a letter to the school.

That every other day there will be a leaflet in your child’s book bag and God forbid you don’t read every single leaflet because even though the school sends email and texts you can guarantee that there will be a very important piece of information in small print on one of these letters and you will miss it and then be chastised by the teacher. Again.

That the unofficial parents Facebook group is a necessity!!! (Set one up if there isn’t one already set up and be sure to make it secret so the teachers can’t stalk you all on it :-D)

It’s best not to wake Miss NHM in the mornings but to either let her wake up by herself or let the cat into her room to wake her up for me :-D.

That delegating the PTA role to your husband is a stroke of genius! Even if everyone does bang on about him being the only man to have ever been on the PTA !! (How is this possible in the modern world that we live in? Are men not allowed to join the PTA or something?)

That you will literally LIVE for the half terms and school holidays and then half a day in to said holiday you will beg to go back to work for a rest!! :-D.

Another small piece of my soul died in mid December when I pulled out a piece of paper with a column of names from Miss NHM’s book bag, and realised it was a list of names for Christmas cards. 30 of them. Deep joy.

I’m glad I only have one child. I have absolutely no idea how anyone gets more than one child ready for school, including yourself, by 8.30am EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKDAY. MORNING.

That it’s easier to accept that your child is going to eat crap as part of the free school meals, rather than have to think up a packed lunch every day. Every time Miss NHM joyfully tells me what she’s had for pudding I shudder! :-D. However, despite the chocolate cake, ice cream, flapjacks and jelly, they have fruit at snack time which apparently makes it ok to have rubbish puddings!!?!?!??!

Despite all my comments above, Miss NHM absolutely loves going to school and gets quite upset at weekends when she can’t go. I try not to take it personally ;-).

What have you learnt if your little one started school in September?

Here are a few more tips which Mata added on the NorthHantsMum FB Page

This is what I’ve learned:

Uniforms: when my girl started a friend suggested to get 1 uniform per day. So I did that and she only needed 2 per week. When my son started I got him 3 uniforms – he could easily have 2 per day ;-). 

My kids’ school insists on logo jumpers/cardigans only. I write their name in marker pen. None got lost so far. Lots of gloves have gone missing though. I buy them in bulk in the spring.

Kids need to change for PE and back again. They have to manage themselves. If they can’t do buttons or laces, get them clothes without! Don’t be surprised if they come home wearing clothes back to front or inside out. My son is always amazed how can I know they had PE.

Check if kids get a mid-morning snack. They are entitled to free milk and fruit – but at my kids’ school they get them when they go home. What’s the point? How are they supposed to learn when they’re hungry?

They need to take a bottle of water, which is then kept out of reach. The kids pour it out at lunchtime to pretend they’ve drunk it.

Most children try to avoid using the school toilets.

The school book bags are not very sturdy. They’re not designed with water bottles in mind. If you get a sturdier bag for your child – or heaven forbid a backpack – the school will probably not like it, as they have microscopic drawers for storing bags.

Homework in primary school is optional. Repeat: *optional*. And it usually involves some craft work done by the parents, sometimes with the child’s ‘help’. Remember: it’s optional.

Attendance is more important than learning. More important than health. It seems the very survival of the universe depends on it. It should be 96%+. If your child has 95.9%, you will get an ‘amber warning’ letter. If it’s below 90%, the world will come to an end. If your child has a doctor’s appointment at 9.30, you’ll be expected to take them in for the morning register, then collect them right after. If they are ill, give them paracetamol and take them in. When it wears off, they’ll call you to pick up your poorly child (hopefully after the afternoon register, just to get in another attendance). If you take your child out for a week of term time holiday, they’ll end up illiterate. But if they miss the same number of days because of inset days that’s fine.

Children take teachers a lot more seriously than they take their parents.

Education is free – but they’re constantly asking for money for this or that. Or donations for fayres and bazaars, that you then need to attend and buy said donations to clutter your house.

On the positive side, most of the staff genuinely care about children. Many of them are themselves parents and may understand that the expectations in the curriculum are unrealistic. Many children form a good relationship with their teachers, make friends with other children and enjoy going to school. It’s not too bad :-). 

And a few more from Wendy

We haven’t had any comments about attendance. Here are my tips.

Turn your text notification off, you will get more from school than you do from PPI, none apply to you.

Boys clothes need washing every day (I bought 5 of everything).

The menu is the menu, there’s not a lot you can do so look it up now and get used to it.

The stamp isn’t suitable for all uniform so you will still need labels for some things.

Your child will pick the unhealthest food on the menu even though there is fruit and yoghurt available (it’s a HCC requirement, it is there no matter what they say).

Go to local toddler groups so you know some mums beforehand.

The school run requires every type of coat and shoe that is available.

You will get your school run clothing wrong about once a week.

Lots of parents flip out in early Nov as their child is doing too much/doing too little/not getting enough attention, it’s a control thing just nod and smile and all will be well by Dec.

No matter what the Huffington post or Cbeebies say there is no technique for getting information out of your child about their day.

And a few more from Sue

I’m so glad I bought 5 lots of uniform. There is no way K could have worn any item two days running and it means I don’t have a sudden panic mid-week that we have run out of something.

I need to remember to go through the menu with K before we leave the house. His favourite colour is green so invariably he will choose veggie option even if it’s something he won’t eat. By telling him the meal he can choose which one he wants and then I can tell him what colour to go for.

Never trust your child to put water bottle in their school bag themselves. We have had two leakages so far (luckily it was only water) meaning spreading books on a radiator overnight to dry.

Be careful what forms you fill out when LO starts. We inadvertently ended up on a list of children whose parents may struggle financially and K brought a voucher home for redeeming a bag of food. I was mortified and cross in equal measure and ended up having a chat with the school to confirm that whilst I understand the scheme, there are perhaps more deserving children than my son. It was something to do with him receiving free school meals (though all YS1 children receive them…) and a pupil premium form. In my defence I must have filled in about 10 forms and ended up slightly cross-eyed by the end!!

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My Experience: Our first three months of YR (Reception Year)

Generally, our experience of school has been quite positive but there have been quite a few “blips”!


The first three weeks of school were pretty hideous. Miss NHM was on her knees by each weekend (as were Mr NHM and I! lol).  She only had two half days on the Monday and Tuesday and then straight in to full time. By the first weekend she was absolutely exhausted and very difficult to handle and this didn’t really improve until the October half term!

There is so much to take in during the first few weeks of school. A new routine and quite long days if your little one isn’t used to nursery or pre-school full time. I have no idea who children who haven’t been to nursery manage to cope! As a result I made a point of trying to keep our weekends as low key as possible but I’m not sure even this helped!

I still believe that 4 and 5 years old is too early to start school.

I missed Miss NHM terribly for the first month. We’ve been used to having her home by a certain time and I missed her dreadfully on Fridays which were our day together. It’s been a bit of a wrench to not have her home on Thursday’s and Friday’s and I am really cherishing the time that we have together as a family. It was also a bit of a shock of the lack of feedback that you get on your child’s day at school. You literally get NOTHING from the teacher. You are completely reliant on what your child tells you about what they have been doing at school and Miss NHM was very close lipped for the first few weeks. I found this to be really hard at first.

It also took a while to get “used” to the school run. At nursery we had some flexibility as to when we dropped Miss NHM off in the mornings, but there is no such luxury with school. (If you ever get a chance to read the policies on school attendance, it’s quite a scary read!!!!)

I was quite (and still am!) horrified with the puddings that the children have for lunch and Miss NHM took great delight in saying that she had “red band” for lunch or “yellow band”. It tooks us AGES to work out exactly what she was eating for lunch but now she’s much better at telling us what she ate, rather than the colour band of the meal she had! lol.


Miss NHM has been busy learning her phonics and learning lots of songs to go with these phonics. She randomly started singing different songs and has started to try to teach us some of these songs.

During October Miss NHM’s reading has really taken off. This has been absolutely wonderful to watch. Seeing her ability to understand words and books has been fascinating and very rewarding. Her school uses the Oxford Reading Tree and I had been warned of the “Biff and Chip” books but never really understood what the warning was for. I now COMPLETELY understand! lol.

We also had our first parents evening. You literally have 10 minutes to discuss your child’s learning. If you need more, you need to book a meeting with the teacher after school. I was really pleased to see that Miss NHM has settled in well but I was surprised to see how much is expected of her with regards to her words and numbers.

We had our first half term and it was a necessity! We had some quality time as a family which was really needed. I didn’t realise how much school would impact our time as a family, especially with Mr NHM working shifts. We used to have every other Friday together as a family but now we only have two weekends a month together as a family so family time has become far more precious.


We had our first Curriculum evening at the beginning of November. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as no one had actually explained what a Curriculum evening is! Basically, it’s an evening for the teachers to explain what they plan to teach the children over the following academic year. It was a really interesting evening and I’m so glad we went along. It also went some way to explaining how and why school was structured in the way it was for the first 6 weeks. Although it would have been very useful to know this during the first six weeks!

In November we started to get homework in earnest! I passionately disagree that children should have any homework before 8 years old. They go to school to learn and the time out of school should be quality family time.

However, our school doesn’t seem to agree with this and Miss NHM already has a library book, a reading book, phonics cards and a scrapbook to record pictures of phonics in!!!! Trying to fit this in, around my work, Mr NHM’s schedule and Miss NHM’s tiredness has been quite challenging. We have resorted to reading her book first thing in the morning because she’s too tired in the evening.

In November we also experienced our first “proper” bullying incident. Some of the children in Miss NHM’s class started to call her names. Miss NHM was quiet when she came home from school that day and didn’t really say much until bed time where she suddenly told us what had happened and sobbed and sobbed. She cried herself to sleep that night.

It was absolutely heart breaking. I know little children can be horrible to each other and all that rubbish about “sticks and stones breaking your bones but names will never hurt you” but it doesn’t mean anything when other children have made your child so upset. The school have been fairly good about it and it hasn’t happened since, but with all the focus on anti-bullying in schools doesn’t mean that it doesn’t actually happen!

I hadn’t expected any bullying at this age but maybe I’m just naive. I also suddenly had to be a “proper” grown up and after Miss NHM had finally gone to sleep I think I sobbed more than she did. There is nothing so heart breaking as to when your child is upset and you can’t do much about it. Neither Mr NHM nor I have really experienced this before and it was a bit of a shock.

I have also been subjected to some playground politics. It’s quite weird when your child starts school, you suddenly go back to school yourself! I hadn’t quite anticipated this! I’ve been quite fascinated to see the little cliques between the parents in the playground.

Miss NHM had her first school photograph taken and we are waiting to see what the final copy looks like! lol.


We are very much looking forward to having two weeks off at Christmas together as a family!!

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My Quarter: Autumn 2015

I had the very best intentions of doing a monthly update on NorthHantsMum but every month I run out of time!! So this month I decided that I would do a quarterly update instead. 

Miss NHM

The first few months of school have been exhausting and challenging for all of us. Miss NHM is loving school which really helps but she’s been so tired and in bed asleep by 6.30pm most evenings! This means that we don’t actually get to see her or spend much quality time with her during the week.

Her learning has come on in leaps and bounds though and I could really see her “grow up” in the first few weeks of school. Her reading and phonics are doing so well and I’ve also been so pleased to see her emotional development as the teacher advised me that she’s “looked after” a few of the younger children.

The routine change has been hard for all of us, but three months in we are getting used to it.

What I’m reading

How to be Brilliant – Michael Heppell

I discovered Michael Heppell a number of years ago through his fantastic little book “Flip it” that my Mum (!!!) put me onto after Michael was on Chris Evans’ radio programme on Radio 2. (For the record, I was tortured with radio 2 as a child and, as a result, can’t bear to listen to it! lol)

The book is a very practical book and I’ve really enjoyed some of the stories and tid bits that Michael shares. I’ve even managed to implement a few of his suggestions in my life which are really helping. I’m not sure I agree with everything that he says but he has some great ideas and I’ve really enjoyed exploring them further.

What I’m listening too

The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes

The CD’s of The Secret are literally blowing my mind!

I have listened to them on nearly every car journey I’ve had in the past three months.

They are absolutely fantastic and having an AMAZING impact on my life.

I don’t want to give too much away but if you get a chance to listen to The Secret (the film is rubbish compared to the audio!) I highly recommend it.

If you do listen to it, please let me know as I would LOVE to have someone who was able to discuss it with! :-D.

My Experience: Our first few weeks of school…

I am very pleased to let you know that Miss NHM is really enjoying school. She is already coming home singing some of the songs she has learnt at school.

We haven’t had as many “meltdowns” as I was expecting although she is a total rat bag at the end of the day. It seems to be Monday and Tuesday when she’s at her worst, which I totally wasn’t expecting. I thought it would be Friday’s but maybe she’s just too exhausted by then to argue! lol.

We had a lot of tears during the first week. She only seems to cry when I drop her off though, she’s fine when Mr NHM drops her off.

I am finding the first few weeks quite difficult. Both Mr NHM and I are missing Miss NHM terribly. I am missing the luxury of being able to keep her home if we need a “rest” day. This is even more challenging as Mr NHM works shift so we only actually have two Saturdays and Sundays a month together as a family now.

Having said that, the second day after I dropped her off, I skipped home, feeling a sudden sense of freedom! lol. It’s very weird. Many conflicting emotions.

Dropping Off

As I said above, dropping off can be challenging at the beginning of the week. Miss NHM gets most upset if I drop her off. She’s not too bad if Mr NHM drops her off.

She’s very tired though and I’m sure that isn’t helping. I’ve specifically ensured that all our weekends in September and October are fairly low key, so she has some down time and time to recuperate from the shock of school.

Three weeks in I can also say that I’m SOOOOOO over getting up EVERY week day morning. Yes, I know this sounds really bad and quite spoilt but only another 10 more years to go. (She can get herself ready for school when she’s 14! lol).

Picking up

Some days pick up has been fine, others it’s been very challenging. I’m already learning that I need to arrive at school with a snack of some sort, just to keep Miss NHM going until we get home.

One thing I am finding hard is that we don’t find out ANYTHING other than what Miss NHM tells us. At nursery there was a chance to briefly chat and find out if there is anything we need to know. At school you don’t get that. I am desperately trying not to plug Miss NHM for information but it’s very weird not to know anything about what your child has done all day, especially when they are still so young!

I do get lots of cuddles when we get home though. She has said that she’s missing us dreadfully too and that’s been hard for all of us.

The Book Bag

Miss NHM has a book bag which contains her folder, a book and a guidance sheet which makes suggestions about what to talk to your child too about that book.

The books are supposed to last for roughly a week and although no one has told us what to do with the book, we make sure we read it every day.

The funniest thing happened on the Monday of Miss NHM’s second week. Before going into the classroom, she stopped her teacher and said “wait a minute please”, took out her book bag and put it in the “replenishment” box. She clearly felt she was ready for her next book! It made me chuckle!

Parent Mail

We get a lot of letters and forms in Miss NHM’s book bag at the end of the day but Parent Mail is the format that is used to communicate between parents and the school.

This is how we find out what the children have been working on in a newsletter each week. There is an App you can download to your phone and a website and you get an email every time there is a new notification.

It’s quite good to see that schools are moving into the technological age but Mr NHM still hasn’t got his parent mail working so he’s fed up with it all already!


This is the one thing that I have been very disappointed with. I’ve been quite horrified by the food that’s on offer.

All children in Infants schools in the UK can have free meals at lunchtime. I spoke to a couple of other experienced Mum’s and they all said “DO IT” because it’s one less thing to worry about.

However, in her first week, Miss NHM has had pizza and for pudding ice cream, chocolate cake and biscuits!! In her second week she’s had jelly, sponge pudding and a chocolate muffin!

She takes much delight in telling us what she’s had for pudding on the way home. She doesn’t respond very well to sugar and I’m wondering if these puddings are actually exacerbating her tiredness.

The irony is, at the end of Miss NHM’s second week we had a letter come home saying that children in YR would be weighed and measured as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). It included a leaflet from Change4Life. It actually mentions about swapping sugar and eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. I did laugh out loud when I saw this letter and leaflet.

The even bigger irony is, if you read the letter about what you can and can’t include in a packed lunch (it’s very dictatorial, as expected) you can’t include anything with chocolate in! Yet they are giving chocolate puddings as part of the free meals!!!

Apparently the meals are supposed part of a healthy diet but I still have concerns. I get that children need more calories when they are at school because they are running around more, but the choices that are on offer are clearly not healthy at all! No wonder we are a nation of fattty’s!!


I asked a question on NHM about what labelling system NHM Readers recommended and have a post half drafted about this which I will publish soon (when I get my act together!)

We have gone with a combination of iron on labels, the stamp from Stamptastic, and the “white pen” from Stamptastic.

Having said that, Miss NHM lost her expensive, logo’d cardigan on her second Monday, so it doesn’t matter how much you label things, they still get lost! I have already learnt that Miss NHM will only be wearing her remaining logo’d cardigan when it’s photo day at school! lol.

Only another five weeks till half term!

I am already “living” for half term. Thankfully we’ve all got the week days of half term off and are hopefully going away to the New Forest for a couple of days to rest and recuperate. Normally we have our “Summer holiday” around now and I am already desperate for a break! lol.

Don’t miss out on future posts like this – you can receive updates directly to your inbox by email by adding your email address to the box on the top right of this page and hitting subscribe. You can also follow NorthHantsMum onTwitter,Google+,Facebook PageFacebook Profile, LinkedIn and Feedly. I hope to see you there! 

My experience: Starting School – the night before…

Miss NHM starts school tomorrow morning. She’s only in for a half day, but I’m still completely in denial.

It feels like it’s the end. I can’t quite describe it.

I explained it earlier to Mr NHM, that it feels like I have a huge guillotine hanging above me and it’s about to chop my head off! (Yes, I am a touch dramatic, but if you’ve been reading NHM for a while, you will already know that :-D).

Settling in Sessions

We had four settling in sessions which were half an hour each. Which is perfect for us working parents…NOT!

Miss NHM was fine in her settling in sessions and I was pleased to see that she knows quite a few of the children in her class.

During the first two settling in sessions parents stayed in the same room with the children. Then for the last two settling in sessions the parents were asked to wait in another room. It was funny seeing all the little parent “cliques” that have already been formed.

Buying School Shoes

I was advised in early June to book for an appointment in August. We booked our appointment for the middle of August and they STILL only had one choice of shoe in Miss NHM’s size.

The appointment itself was fairly pain free. I got a text the day before reminding me of our slot and we were done in 20 minutes, even with the drama of them not having enough selection.

The Home Visit

Was fifteen minutes long and took 1.5 hours to tidy for!

It was a chance to ask the teachers any questions we had, for them to clarify anything with us and to confirm that we had everything ready (water bottle, PE kit, everything labeled, milk booked, etc).

We were also given a book for Miss NHM to read at home with some suggestions of things to talk about the book.


We’ve been labelling for a while for nursery but this feels different. I recently put out a please on Facebook on “Louise nhm Smith” about which labels NHM Readers recommended and I will get that post up very soon with everyone’s suggestions.

I “delegated” the labelling of all items to Mr NHM (one of the perks of his military background!) and we still have a few more things to sort.

The Night Before

Everything is currently laid out on our bed and I’m convinced I’ve missed something.

I am still completely in denial. I haven’t even tried out Miss NHM’s uniform on her yet and we still haven’t labelled everything!

I feel really sad but am trying to be a bit excited for Miss NHM too. Tomorrow morning we will have a special breakfast at home, just the three of us, and then we will be as “up beat” as possible until after we have dropped Miss NHM off.

We will then run home and I will spend all day on mute on my conference calls, weeping into the conference unit and hoping that no one asks me anything. Sigh.

Someone described it to me a few months ago as being as traumatic as giving birth. I kind of get that. I had no idea it would be as traumatic as this. It feels like the end but I know it’s just another beginning.

I just hope that Miss NHM loves it and doesn’t lose the fantastic confidence that she has.

Good luck to everyone else whose little one’s start YR tomorrow and this week. You are all in my thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My Month: August 2015

I was planning on having this published on Monday, but circumstances conspired against me and this morning I was frantically cleaning the house for our “teacher home visit”! 

I’ve been wanting to do a monthly summary post for a while, so this is August 2015’s….

Miss NHM

Is growing into a wonderful little girl. She’s been very affectionate recently and I’ve been getting lots of hugs and kisses which has been awesome. She tells me all the time that she loves me which I can’t quite describe how awesome it is! Mr NHM has gone back on shift after 6 weeks off after his latest knee operation so I’ve had a lot more time with just Miss NHM and I.

We had a fab time catching up with S and K, who we met through the NHM “Shift Meet Up’s”, at the Taste Festival at the top of town. It’s been lovely to catch up with them every month and do something fun together. Being a “shift” parent can sometimes be hard because most other families are busy having “family time” on the weekends, so it’s nice to meet up with another family who “get” it.

During the past weekend I wanted to go out for a day out somewhere but Miss NHM was having none of it. She wanted to stay home and play with her toys and listen to her audio books! I didn’t feel I could argue and saying that I wanted to go out so I could write a Review for NHM didn’t really cut it! lol.

I hadn’t expected her to be quite so clear of what she wanted to do at four and a quarter years old! lol. She’s very strong willed (no idea where she gets it from <blush>) and knows what she wants which is absolutely brilliant, even if it does make it hard to parent her sometimes for this exact same reason.

I’m also very proud of how she is enjoying her books. It’s very important to me that she has a love of books like I have. Miss NHM will happily take herself off to her room for an hour so she can “read” her books or listen to an Audio book and read along at the same time. Although I was a little shocked when I told her to turn her music down so she shut the door on me!!! It really is like living with a teenager already!

We are also getting into slightly scary territory. The questions Miss NHM has started asking me are keeping me on my toes already! I hadn’t expected to be having philosophical questions with my four year old and trying to explain them. Oh and recently she’s started with “it’s boooorrrinnngg Mum!”. Not only am I not Mummy any more but I hadn’t expected the boring moaning to start just yet! lol.

What I’m reading

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

This is quite a tough book to read as it was written over 80 years ago. However, nearly EVERY page has something of value in it. I think that’s partly why it’s tough to read, because you have to concentrate so you don’t miss anything.

The life-changing magic of tidying up – Marie Kondo

I heard about the KonMari method via one of my favourite blogs, Modern Mrs Darcy. Anne has a great post which explains the basics of the KonMari method but I wanted to read the book to understand the nuances.

It’s a fab little book. Very easy to read and I literally wanted to start “tidying up” after I finished the first chapter! I sorted my wardrobe out the next day and it looks FAB! I am so happy with the result. I had no idea how many items of clothing I was hanging onto for emotional reasons.

I asked Mr NHM to read it and even he’s read half of it and has the “tidying up” bug! lol.

What I’m listening too

These days I rarely listen to music in the car. I have put together my “car library” which has cd’s full of motivational and development cd’s. It makes my journey to work a LOT more enjoyable. I also want Miss NHM to be exposed to these cd’s as I think they will have an impact on her life. She doesn’t always ask me to switch to “bare necessities” these days ;-).

The Art of Exceptional Living – Jim Rohn

I love Jim Rohn’s cd’s. He is a great speaker and makes some very excellent points in all his lectures. The Art of Exceptional Living is a brilliant set of CD’s and I’m thoroughly enjoying listening to them.

The point of this post is because one of the ideas that he has is you should “share”. I do this anyway, via NorthHantsMum, but thought it might be nice to share some of the things I’ve been reading and listening with you, in the spirit of what Jim says.

What have you been reading or listening too recently that has improved your life?

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Things to do w/c 1st September 2015 (and I’m very blessed!)

Apologies for the lack of posts this week. We had a bit of a family “crisis” over the weekend.

My Mother In Law decided that Sunday was the best day to tell Mr NHM that she has terminal cancer (I have permission to tell you this!). She’s known for three weeks but decided the best time to tell him would be in the middle of his three days of Night Shift.

My In Law’s relocated “up north” last year so Mr NHM phoned work, explained the circumstances and we were packed within an hour and on the M1 within three hours of her call. I’m very grateful that we could drop everything and go at a moments notice.

I am utterly exhausted. It was a very long drive, there and back and it’s been an emotionally charged couple of days. My Mother In Law may have months and she may have years to live, we just don’t know. With Miss NHM starting school next week this was the best time to go up as we have the week off work because it’s a round number birthday for me.

Thank you VERY much to everyone who has sent me birthday wishes. It’s been absolutely wonderful to receive all of your lovely messages. It’s not exactly been the day I had hoped or planned for, but I have SO much to be thankful for and am sooo grateful for all of your support. An extra special thank you to everyone who contributed to my “wish tree”. It’s absolutely perfect and makes me well up every time I look at it!!!


Like a fine wine, I’m getting better with age, and I have a feeling that things are only going to get better. Thank you to all you who are part of my journey. Big hugs to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck also to all those parents and children who start school tomorrow. Where did the summer holidays go? They flew past at the speed of light! Miss NHM starts school on Monday. I’m completely in denial ;-).

Things to do w/c 2nd September 2015

Tuesday 1st September: MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Mwahahahahahaha :-D.

Wednesday 2nd September: Storytime at South Ham Library10 – 10:30am

Thursday 3rd September: Pebbles Baby & Toddler Group 1.30-3.00pm, Salvation Army Hall Tadley

Friday 4th September: Storytimeat Basingstoke Discovery Centre

Saturday 5th September: Children’s Saturday Craft South Ham LibraryPaper Cup Blue Whale

Sunday 6th September: Jellybabies Swimming, 9am-12pm, Tadley Swimming Pool, New Road, Tadley RG26 3LA

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Happy 4th birthday NorthHantsMum!

NorthHantsMum is four years old today!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this amazing journey over the past four years. It’s been AWESOME!!!

The biggest thank you goes to Mr NHM and Miss NHM. Without them, NHM wouldn’t happen.

I have HUGE plans for NorthHantsMum over the next 12 months, so keep a look out for them :-D.

Yay to the next year on NHM !!! 😉


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My experience: Starting school – three months before September start date

It’s just under three months until Miss NHM starts school and I’m feeling quite despondent about the whole thing.

I’m desperately trying not to get stressed about it but the more I see and the more I read, the more worried I’m becoming.

I do my best to be as positive as I can on NorthHantsMum but I also pride myself on being honest and I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like I do about my child starting school…

Receiving our confirmation email

We received our email confirmation of which school Miss NHM would be starting on April 16th 2015 at 6.40am.

Despite thinking I wasn’t too worried about it, I had very little sleep the night before, lots of nightmares and was up at 6am waiting for the email to arrive.

(Just as a side point, whoever put that email together at Hampshire County Council should be sacked! It was in four different font types, different colours, and very hard to read. I literally had to read it three times just to confirm which school Miss NHM had got into, because the structure was so bad!!!)

We were then told that we had to return proof of identify within two weeks. It was a good thing we weren’t on holiday because you had to confirm your child’s identity within those two weeks or you would lose your child’s place at school.

(I was shocked to see on the original form that you have to return to confirm your child’s identity, that you have to detail if there are any restraining orders against any people in your children’s life!!! Naive? Moi?)

When I went into the school during the following week, and took Miss NHM’s passport with me, I asked some standard questions about when Miss NHM would actually start school. The receptionist couldn’t answer these questions. (I have already established which receptionist is the rude and obnoxious one ;-)).

They couldn’t actually tell me as the date wouldn’t be confirmed until three months before she started school. Yes, three months before starting school. It’s a good thing that I had anticipated this and kept enough leave from work because otherwise we would have been in trouble. They hadn’t actually confirmed, by the end of April, when Year R would start school…

Parents introductory meetings

There were two parents meetings, one in May and one in June, that we were told in November that we HAD to attend as they were mandatory.

Shortly after receiving the email confirming which school Miss NHM was going too, we received a letter in the post saying that the date for the meeting was now completely different. When we were on holiday. A holiday that I specifically booked so that we could attend the original two dates. I was not best pleased.

It the turns out that everything we were told at the November meeting has changed. Even the start and end of the school day has changed. We now also have home visits which we were told in November weren’t going to take place.

So, we missed out introductory first meeting with the school last week.

I found out, through telling someone about how unimpressed I was so far, that the headmistress has changed. Nobody told us.

Confirmation of start date

I finally got confirmation of when Miss NHM would be starting school this week. (I feel so sorry for those working parents who haven’t saved enough holiday so they can cover the childcare of those first three weeks of school when children do half days or whatever system their school has devised.)

We got back from holiday and I went in to pick up our “welcome pack”. It wasn’t a welcome pack at all. It was an envelope filled with 27 forms that need to be signed in blood. Ok, that’s a bit dramatic but I’ve since seen other schools “welcome packs” and the difference is dramatic.

A friend of mine very kindly let me read her “welcome pack” and the difference was staggering. Her daughters pack even had a letter from the teacher to the new starter, which was a lovely touch.

No such pleasantries in our “welcome pack”.

The first form I read, about pick ups and drop offs from school was like some kind of dictatorship letter.

For example: “Should a child not be collected by an adult by 4.30pm, the school will contact Children’s Services for support”.

Marvellous. So, if I get stuck in traffic, trying to get back from work to pick up Miss NHM from school, and there is nothing I can do about it, the school is going to call children’s services on us. Fantastic.

Oh and did I mention that you “MUST (their bold and capital) notify the school in writing and the note must be handed to the class teacher at the start of the school day” for any changes to pick up’s. Any changes at all.

There is also a very officious “school accessibility” form where you have to note any difficulties that your child may have had or will have during school.

I spoke to nursery about this and was told that they had ALREADY spoken to the school! Are they even allowed to do this?

My concerns

I’m not stupid, I get that there are rules in place for a reason, to protect our children, but these draconian letters just make me feel even more worried.

Now that I’ve compared what we received with a friends “welcome pack” I’m even more worried.

I’ve spent many years avoiding the nanny state that we currently appear to be living in and it’s been a bit of a shock at the rules and regulations that are going to be “enforced” on my family in September.

I’m also very worried that Miss NHM is going to be “labeled” and I will be devastated if that happens.

She is a bright, strong willed little girl and the state seems to be encouraging us to raise independent and ambitious girls. If this is the case, then why do I feel like she’s just going to be a number in a class of 30, where her real educational and development needs aren’t considered because the teachers have too many forms to fill in and not enough time to teach the children.

Settling in sessions

We have our first settling in session next Tuesday and I’m going to be keeping a very close eye out to see what happens.

(Interestingly, this is one of four, half our introductory sessions where sibblings are unable to attend. Four half an hour sessions. Really? So I’ve technically got to take four half days off work for half an hour? I’ve been warned that schools are less than sympathetic to working parents, but really, half an hour? By the time we get there, we will be coming back home again!)

I am really hoping that over the next few months my mind is put at ease but at the moment, I’m worried. Very worried…

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