Happy New Year!!
A bit late, I know, but Mr NHM and I suffered from a particularly nasty bout of food poisoning from last Friday until yesterday, so I was feeling very sorry for myself and didn’t have the energy to do ANYTHING! We completely missed NYE’s this year!! Although I think we always have since Miss NHM was born in 2011! lol.
New Years Resolutions 2018
As I’ve mentioned before on NorthHantsMum, New Years Resolutions don’t really work for me, so I set myself a word for the year and try to refer back to this as much as possible throughout the year.
My words for the last few years have been:
- 2010 – contradiction
- 2011 – motherhood
- 2012 – adjustment
- 2013 – exceptional (not always positive!!)
- 2014 – Me
My word for 2015 was “Inspiring” and the year really lived up to this!
My word for 2016 was “health”. Oh the irony of choosing this word. I have learnt my lesson and try to choose VEEERRRYYY carefully now!!!!
My word for 2017 was “joy” and it was filled with much joy but also incredibly tough at the same time.
My word for 2018
I have really wrangled with choosing a word for 2018. I’ve learnt that you have to be veeeerrrryyyyy careful with the word that you choose. (So if I stop breathing this year, I only have myself to blame! Hahahaha).
I was going to choose “calm” or “peaceful” but they felt a bit too static for how I would like 2018 to be. I want to be both but I need something to keep me moving at the same time.
So, my word for this year is going to be “breathe”.
If I’ve learnt anything over the last few years, it’s to breathe.
To breathe deeply.
To know when to breathe and when not too.
In 2016 I started doing what i said I would and started looking at meditation to help me relax and find my focus. I spent some time in 2017 meditating and it really helped.
I also want to be better at “being in the moment”. Being an organiser and a planner means that a lot of the time I’m looking forward, working out what happens next, but this year I want to also learn to switch it all off and just “be”.
In the past few days, whilst we’ve been on enforced house arrest due to illness, I’ve spent a lot of time with Miss NHM, just “be”-ing with her. I’ve looked into her eyes a lot more than I normally would and realised she’s growing up so fast. I don’t want to miss anymore of those times.
She’s going to be 7 years old this year.
I will be the Mum of a 7 year old. NO idea how that happened!
Not so far away now, she’s going to want to spend more time with her friends than her “boring” parents (her words, not mine!).
So I want to be able to remember to breathe when she’s either a) telling me I’m boring and b) when she still wants to spend time with me!
Starting 2018
I wasn’t that excited about 2018 starting. I mean, 2018!!!!!!!! 2018!!!! I remember when it was the year 2000!!!! Now it’s 18 years LATER!!!!
But I’ve woken up today feeling a million times more positive than I have for the past few months.
I don’t believe in all that “new year/new you” crap, but I do believe that the beginning of a new year is a chance to re-assess and decide what’s working and what’s not.
I don’t know what 2018 is going to bring for me, NorthHantsMum and the NorthHantsMum Community, but I’m going to spend some time during January to work out a sort of business plan for the rest of the year. If there is anything you think I should be including, please don’t hesitate to let me know at NorthHantsMum@gmail.com.
As always, thank you for all of your support. I know that we are very, very, very lucky to have such an amazing community of readers supporting myself and the team on NorthHantsMum. Thank you also to the AWESOME team of volunteers who now help out on NHM.
I’m excited about what 2018 is going to bring for this little website that I started in 2011, and is still going strong 7 years, 7 YEARS, later!!!!
I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful 2018 where you have lots and lots of moments to “breath” :-D.
Happy New Year!
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