Which is why I am cancelling the NorthHantsMum 2016 Christmas Expo.
Some of you may remember that in August last year we moved from the old WordPress site to the new NorthHantsMum.co.uk site. In May of this year my technical “person” advised me that she couldn’t support the site anymore. She left me floundering. I literally had NO IDEA what to do with the back end of the site.
I’ve spent the past six months trying to sort things out in the back end and it’s been very, very, VERY frustrating and stressful. In April of this year I was advised to switch off the old wordpress site which means that I can’t reactive it, so I can’t even go back to that.
My aim is to post every week day. You may have noticed that I have randomly stop posting every so often, in the past six months. It’s not because I don’t want too, it’s because I literally can’t post anything because something has happened in the back end site. Again.
I’ve “wasted” a lot of energy in the past six months trying to sort stuff out behind the scenes. My stress levels have rocketed. It’s affecting the most important relationships to me and it’s knocked my confidence in NHM. I want to have the energy and head space to write some more personal posts which I just don’t have the time for anymore.
When Mr NHM came up with the idea that I raise money for a bench, a safe place for Mum’s to meet in a local popular park, I was totally up for running another Expo to raise funds to this. I put out a plea asking for help and am so very grateful to all those who have volunteered.
Even with all of this help, I just can’t run the Expo this year. My sanity will not remain if I go ahead. Last year, when the electric was off until 2 minutes into the start of the Expo (1.5 hours setting up in the dark!?!?!?!), I was practically catatonic. It takes me three weeks to get over an Expo, the planning, the stress and all of the table moving and cleaning up after, when things go “well”, let alone when they don’t. My hips have never been quite the same after having to move 48 tables for the 2015 Spring Expo.
In March I did the 2016 Spring Expo whilst suffering from flu. 100 people booked tickets and 15 people turned up. I worked so hard to make it a successful event, whilst feeling dreadful, and it was so frustrating when it didn’t come together.
So, for the sake of my sanity and my family I am cancelling the Expo this Christmas.
I’m very sorry to all of those people I am disappointing but hopefully you understand why I have to do this.
Hopefully I will get the technical issues sorted out in the background and then I will be able to focus my attention on the bit I love, providing quality content and support to local Mum’s.
Thank you for your understanding. x
(I am posting this from my phone, which I’ve never done before, so not even sure if this post will work!)
Updated on Monday 17th October: Fundraising for the NorthHantsMum Bench: gofundme.com/northhantsmums-bench-2uncp5w.
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Sounds like you have made the right decision – I really enjoy your posts so thank you for all your hard work. If I had any technical knowledge I would offer to help…unfortunately I don’t! Take care and look after yourself and your family and I’m sure things will sort themselves out for the future of NHM X
Thanks Laura. I’m really glad you enjoy NHM. Yup, I’m feeling miles better already!! x
Don’t beat yourself up about it and now breathe, just breathe. You’ve done what’s best for you and your family xx
Thanks hon. I can breathe again now. Phew! xx
So very wise to conserve your energy and sanity for your family and not put yourself through stressful situations that could affect how you relate to loved ones. You obviously have a real desire to help people (particularly families with young children) and a gift for gathering and sharing information so work on that when you can and I’m sure even the frustrating bits will bear fruit ☺ As for mastering WordPress, please let us know if you do find a way to overcome the problems, I would love to make adjustments to my blog site but don’t know where to begin!
Thanks Allison. Clearly I’m learning as I get older ;-). You’ve given me an idea though about a wordpress workshop…. thank you!!!
Sorry to hear this Louise. I myself am guilty for not getting to an event yet but, as a mum of 3, life sometimes gets in the way. I also recently scaled down my beauty business because of the stress involved thanks with people letting me down (after id spent lots of time helping them) and generally feeling like I’d missed valuable family and toddler time being on demand to an electronic device so I salute you for being brave enough to draw a line. I have always benefited from your posts and tips so please know that what you do is appreciated too and I look forward to all your festive posts nonetheless x
Ah thanks Aimee. Yup, I know what you mean about putting time and investment into others, only to be let down. It’s very frustrating. Really glad you’ve benefited from NHM. Eeeek, now I have to start the Christmas posts!!! 😀 😉 x
Gosh Louise, how terribly stressful for you. I’d have had a nervous breakdown by now! Sounds like you’ve been really up against it….you’re doing the right thing. Take some time out and remember to take care of you! Xxx
Hi I know I have only just startes to be an nhm reader but have found your posts so helpful if there is anything I can do to help you in order to help keep this running pls do post x
Every mum in the world fully understands, many have been in similar situations, so no problem to me that you needed to cancel, as always make family first, big hug to you Louise x
You’re making the right choice here – family and health should always come first. Sorry to hear the tech side of things is stressing you out. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.