Thula Mama singing group for mums!

Rebecca sent me a lovely email asking me to let you know about Thula Mama


Thula Mama singing group for mums!

I’m a mother of a 2 year old – Elliott – and I live in Bramley. I’ve just started a new career path as a singer and singing teacher and as part of my new ventures, I’ve become a franchisee of Thula Mama (pronounced ‘Tula Mama’).


Thula Mama is an alternative and inspirational singing group for mums of bumps and pre-crawling babies. Unlike most musical singing groups for babies and toddlers, this one is all about the mothers and giving them an hour and a half to relax, unwind, meet up with friends and enjoy singing beautiful but simple harmonies together.


We learn lovely songs and lullabies from around the world – not a ‘wheels on the bus’ in sight! The babies really benefit from hearing the sound of their mother’s voice singing to them and the soothing harmonies created by the group.  There is absolutely no experience necessary and it’s an extremely inclusive and gentle process, with all songs and learning taken at an appropriate pace for the group.


I’m starting my sessions on Wednesday 2nd November from my home in Bramley and will be running them every Wednesday at 10am. The introductory price will be £5 with everyone’s first session being free.

You can find out more on my facebook page and also on the website

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