New Years Resolutions 2015

Happy New Year!!!!!

Hope you had a great night last night and your little ones did too ;-).

A good night changes when you become a parent, from wanting no sleep when you are without children to JUST wanting a good nights sleep when you become a parent! lol.

New Years Resolutions 2015

New Years resolutions don’t work for me. After many years of setting resolutions at New Year, I know they are pointless for me.

Over the last few years I’ve read several blog posts that suggest using one word to sum up your New Years resolutions.

Last year I tried this idea for my New Years resolution and it really worked.

Looking back these would be mine:

  • 2010 – contradiction
  • 2011 – motherhood
  • 2012 – adjustment
  • 2013 – exceptional (not always positive!!)

I actively set my word last year and it worked a treat!

  • 2014 – Me

I know this appears selfish (and it is!) but in the last few years, since I got married and Miss NHM was born, I felt like I lost my way. I stopped being me.

2014 helped me to get back to who I am in conjunction with being a Wife and a Mum.

I think my word for 2015 is…Inspiring.

In 2015 I would love to be inspired and I plan to do some inspirational things.

I have big plans for my life in 2015 and for my jobs and family.

I have MASSIVE plans for NorthHantsMum in 2015.

I’m a planner. It’s who I am.

2015 is going to be the year that I take it to the next level…

I’m excited and energised and really looking forward to you joining me for the ride!

What’s your word for 2015?

One thought on “New Years Resolutions 2015

  1. Pingback: New Year Resolutions: My word for 2016... - NorthHantsMum

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