2014 has been an AWESOME year for NorthHantsMum.
I’ve been humbled, overwhelmed and amazed at how the blog has continued to expand.
It’s quite scary to think how many people read this blog (nearly 3000 subscribers!!) on a regular basis now!
Over 500 “new” readers have subscribed to NorthHantsMum during 2014.
I’d love to put together a summary of what’s happened on NHM over the past 2014 but there’s been so much I don’t know where to start!
Below are a few of the highlights that I can remember! lol.
2014 on NHM
March – The first secret Reviewers. Thank you very much to Jo, Vicky and Julie for your secret reviews in 2014. They were all brilliant and I know many readers found them very helpful!
April – First NHM Networking lunch and Spring NHM Meet Up. Am loving both the networking lunches and the Meet Up’s. So great to see readers and their children making new friends and enjoying themselves.
May – Reviews of Festival Place (Giraffe and Marwell Wildlife). Being invited to review Festival Place and Marwell was a massive high point of my year. This made me feel like maybe NHM was bigger than I realised!
June – Summer NHM Meet Up and Winning an Award at the Mums and Business Awards. Still Whooping about this and my award is still in pride of place. Thank you so much again to everyone who voted and for your lovely comments. 😀 😀 :-D.
July – First NHM Networking Evening. These are sooooo successful and are brilliant evenings that I REALLY look forward too! First NHM Summer Picnic. This was a really lovely lunch with lots of great conversation.
August – The 2014 NHM Survey. Thank you very much to everyone who responded.
September – Reviews of Festival Place (The Haymarket, Debenhams and Wagamama’s). Being invited to review Festival Place again was a huge honour. I’m also quite proud of the review posts that I wrote on these experiences as they took a lot of work! lol.
September – Autumn NHM Meet Up. It was lovely to meet some new people.
November – First NHM Christmas Expo – an AWESOME event. So much so, that when we went for dinner that evening to celebrate, one of the waitresses asked if Miss NHM had been at the event at Playdays as she still had her face painted. I could NOT stop smiling! lol.
November/December – Christmas Food Boxes appeal. I’m very proud of my involvement in publicising this very worthy collection.
December – Being invited to review Father Christmas’ Christmas List. Look out for the fab review that my friend Abi did for this, which is due to be published shortly.
Thank you!
I know you are probably all sick to death of me always thanking you.
But I just want everyone to know how very, very grateful I am for all of your support.
It makes my hard work on the blog totally worth it :-D.
Happy New Year and I hope you have an AMAZING 2015!!!!