I recently asked the Friends of my “Louise nhm Smith” profile on Facebook if anyone could help this NHM reader: “I am thinking of sending my two year old boy to football and/or dance classes. Does anyone have any recommendations?”
These were the responses I received. They are in no particular order. Thanks very much to Juliet for putting this post together!!!
NHM Readers recommend football/dance classes for 2 year olds
Leighann said: Basingstoke Academy of Dance is fantastic.
Fiona said: Lisa Beaumont offers ballet classes
Anita said: Lisa Beaumont School of Ballet is amazing!!! Also, my son goes to Pro-Skills Coaching Basingstoke
Vicki said: Tiny Tykes is great for football.
Christine said: My 2.5 year old really enjoys the football classes at Basingstoke Sports Centre. It’s for 2-4 year olds and run by Achieve Sports on a Monday 10-10.45 x
Heidi said: My son has been going to little kickers football since 18 months. He loves it and it helps teach them so many skills including colours, counting, animals etc.
Jessica said: Little Kickers is great for football.
Claire said: Little Kickers definitely. My son went to one at Carnival Hall when he was 2, gained loads of confidence and discipline and he is still playing grass root Sunday football at the age of 13 for a team with two friends from there.
Wendy said: RugbyTots is also worth considering. Great for hand eye coordination
Katie said: Kids Kan Dance specialise in dance for toddlers and preschoolers.
Claire said: JLD school of dancing.
Zoe said: I can recommend Katie at Kids Kan Dance, my girls love her!
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