One of my friends (Hi Abi!) recommended Reading Eggs to me when we discovered at a recent parents evening that Miss NHM has been struggling with her phonics.
I had seen the website before but wasn’t sure what was so great about it. I signed up for the trial period, to see if Miss NHM would use it.
We’ve been using Reading Eggs for a couple of months now and it’s really made a difference to Miss NHM’s reading ability. It very cleverly tailors content to each individual child so they can go at their own pace.
There are lots of different exercise, none of which are too patronising. We also bought MathSeeds at the same time, as it was cheaper if you bought them together.
Miss NHM seems to enjoy MathSeeds more than Reading Eggs. She also enjoys going into the “play” area and listening to the songs and playing some of the other games.
There is also a parent dashboard so you can see the progress that your child is making with learning words and phonics.
I actually think Reading Eggs is making more of a difference to Miss NHM’s learning than school is!
There is a 14 day trial that you can take, to try Reading Eggs out with your children, to see if they enjoy it.
However, if you sign up at the following link, you can get a 4 week free trial:
Once you start the trial period, you get a discount on the annual cost, so I recommend doing the trial first and then signing up.
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