Important Survey for Mum’s, Pregnant Mum’s and Future Mum’s to Be!!!! (Correct Survey link!)


There is an ongoing consultation about building a new Critical Treatment Centre (CTC) just off the M3 between Winchester and Basingstoke.

This will be for high risk things like heart attacks and stroke but will also be for maternity as all the obstetricians, anaesthetists and the special care baby unit will be there.

This means that any mum thinking she may need an epidural will birth there and any mum who may need a cesarean (a conservative estimate would be that 80% of the women who give birth currently in Basingstoke, Winchester, Andover and Eastleigh) would have their baby there, so mums and mums to be really MUST complete this survey to have their views understood.

If the new CTC goes ahead there will be an obstetric unit with an alongside midwifery led unit at this new site and Andover, Basingstoke and Winchester would have midwifery led units (like at Andover at the moment).

Things like scans and appointments would still take place in the local towns.

You can watch a short film here with Janice the new head of midwifery explaining the proposals:

And the survey is here – it is not just for midwifery services so anyone can complete the survey:

The survey link is

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