Birth Reflections in Basingstoke

The Birth Reflections service is offered to all women who have delivered at the North Hampshire Hospital.

The service gives mothers an opportunity to discuss with a midwife, any aspect of their antenatal, labour or postnatal experience. On telephoning the number below, the mother will be offered an appointment either in her own home, or at the hospital and the midwife will hope you resolve any problems within an hour-long first meeting.

Further details or an appointment please telephone 01256 313327 and leave your name and number and your call will be returned within 48 hours. You can also email:


Home-Start: Group offers aid for vulnerable mums in Basingstoke

VULNERABLE mums in Basingstoke are being offered support through a group set up especially for them by charity Home-Start.

Women with a variety of problems, including post-natal depression, stress, illness and isolation, are taking advantage of the group, who meet every Wednesday between 10am and midday at All Saints Church Hall.

Organiser Sue Bailey, family group lead worker at Home-Start North West Hampshire, said:

“We help mums of all ages with a variety of issues. The groups offer people somewhere to socialise and often gives mums the push to get out there and meet new people.

We currently have eight |regular members who we support, and everyone is welcome. Most of the people we support come through referrals from health workers and GPs, but people can also self-refer.

All of our volunteers at the group are mums themselves and understand many of the difficulties people can face.

The group was started at Easter and meets every Wednesday in term times. Mums of any age can join.

Home-Start is a national charity that works with families, offering support, advice and also offering practical help with looking after children.

For more information about the group or about all the |services Home-Start offer, call 01256 812333, or visit

Taken from Basingstoke Gazette Tuesday 5th July 2011