NHM Readers Recommend: Long Haul Flights
I recently had a question from an NHM Reader that I asked the NHM Community to help with: “I am going to be flying long haul with 3 children later this year, it will be the first time they have ever flown. Can anyone recommend things I can take to keep the kids entertained on the flight they will be 10, 7 and 3.”
Many thanks for your replies, listed below in no particular order.
Please bear in mind that listings may change in subsequent years, but hopefully they will still be a good base point for your own research.
NHM Readers Recommend: Long Haul Flights
Taryn said: It’s worth looking at what the airline that you’re travelling with offers, some are really good with providing stuff for them.
Wendy said: Lots of tips on here from a local family who fly to California every other year
Nicola said: Tiger in town have lots of activity books and colouring etc I got some for our journey to Yorkshire, 7 hours of fun xx
Andrea said: iPads! Colouring in books, activity books, card games like UNO, random little toys from stores like Tiger. My children have always been toddlers on the haul flight. From what I’ve seen from other families the older kids are just happy with their own TV! Your 3 year old should be fine with a few bits and pieces. Good luck!
Debbie said: I got a book from amazon of paper based games which we played which helped.
Jenna said: Download some episodes on the iPad and get them use to headphones. For our 2 year old we took a puzzle that we didn’t mind losing the pieces too ?
Susan said: If you are flying long haul then most airlines will have seat back viewing screens for TV progs and movies. Check with the airline nearer the time for what is showing. They usually have children’s channels. Make sure they have sweets to suck for take off and landing, helps with ear popping!
Kate said: We have done long haul (to Oz 23-26hrs!!!) several times with kids. Most recently this Christmas with 3 aged 9&6yrs and a baby. Each year I take lots of puzzles/colouring bits and every year it hardly gets touched as they play on the entertainment systems/watch tv and films! I guess I still take it just in case the screen isn’t working. Most valuable things is snacks they like but more carbs than sugar. My older two detest plane food so I go armed with vegemite sandwiches, breadsticks and crisps.
We usually take their own headphones as they fit better than the provided one. We also take a headphone splitter as they usually end up snuggling up to watch the same film so we can then plug both headphones into one socket.
Hope this helps. Mainly though it’s goes much quicker than you think!
Would highly recommend ‘fly legs up’ hammocks which turn the seats into a bed. Great investment and mine have slept 8hrs+ on night flights with them.
Becky said: Wrapping new toys/things to do in little bags to make them like presents works well. Also don’t show them all the things u have got so u can space things out throughout the trip to keep their interest. Kindle fire was amazing!
Skye said: iPad. Kindle. My now 4 year old has flown to Cuba, California, Canada and will be doing NZ this year. Trust me, be that parent who puts a screen in their face. You won’t regret it.
Louise NHM Smith also said: This link might also help: http://www.northhantsmum.co.uk/2018/02/06/nhm-reader-recommendations-toddlers-aeroplane-journey/
Tanya said: lollipops – great for possible ear pressure problems
Vicky said: Where’s Wally books?
Karla said: https://www.keepemquiet.com/?ref=StoreYa&utm_source=stry… We travel quite a lot and these packs are great for the kids. Keep the pack for the flight so it’s a surprise ? snacks are included too!
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