In December 2018, a NHM Reader asked: “Can you ask readers for dates for Christingles, nativity and Christmas carols in various churches around Basingstoke?”
Thank you for all your responses, they are listed below in no particular order. All opinions are the readers own and are not that of NHM.

NHM Readers Recommend: Christmas Church Services 2018
Hannah said, “There’s a live nativity on 23rd December at buckskin church.”
Helensaid, “Christ the king church 24th Dec I think…Christingle.”
Julie said, “St Mary’s Eastrop (near Eastrop Park) Christingle and Christmas Carol Extravaganza are particularly aimed at children and families!”

Rebecca said, “Christ Church Chineham:
Monday 10th December – Messy Church Christingle (3:45pm)
Sunday 16th December – Carol Service (6pm)
Monday 24th December (4pm) – Crib Service
Tuesday 25th December – Christmas Day Service (10am)
Kathryn said, “Basingstoke Baptist Church are having a living nativity on Saturday 22nd 4-6pm food and live animals etc.

Sophie said, “Starlight carols on the 9th of Dec at Hope community church, Sarum Hill centre, 5pm.”
Sammy said, “Gateway Church, Queen Mary College.”

Rebecca said, “There is a carol service featuring Sounds of Hope Choir at All Saints this Friday (7:45pm).”
Sarah said, “Carols in beggarwood Park/cafe in the park 20th December at I believe 6pm.”
Rebecca said, “Not strictly a carol concert, but we’re doing a Christmas concert of singing students with audience participation in some songs lunchtime Sat 15th Dec at St James’s Church, Bramley in aid of Oliver Warner.”

Sue said, “All Saints Church at top of town, Basingstoke.”
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