I recently had the following question from an NHM Reader: ” I’m on a hunt to find a weekend music class for a 4 year old. Any ideas? Caterpillar Music and Monkey Music are all weekdays…..”
Many thanks to the NHM Community for your responses, listed below in no particular order:
NHM Readers recommend weekend music classes
Jade said:
“I believe dinky disco runs on weekends”
Gemma said:
“Dinky disco runs on a Sunday at Bramley and is amazing!!!”
Jaz said:
“I am caterpillar Music and yes we only do weekdays sorry. But I would also recommend dinky disco!”
Lorna said:
I can also recommend dinky disco”
Susannah said:
“Yes, go to Dinky Disco – Nikki is fab!”
Lizzie said:
“Another vote for Dinky Disco!”
Kat said:
“I think Kids Kan Dance run classes on a Saturday”
Melody said:
“I can recommend Kidskandance”
Helen said:
“Dinky disco is weekends and also, may not be your thing, but some churches have great family services with loads of singing and games aimed at children. I hear St Mary’s in Eastrop is good.”
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