The Basics
All you need to do is paint a stone and write “Basingstones” on it. Then hide it somewhere safe for someone to find and hopefully brighten their day!
If you find a Basingstone, please post a photo of it on our Facebook Group page so we can see how far it travels. Either keep it and replace, or just hide it again somewhere new.
The Facebook Page The magic of Basingstones is what happens off social media ie the spending time together, being creative, getting outdoors, sharing and the small acts of kindness concept.
Our facebook page allows the wonderful Basingstones community to come together online to share photos and smiles but it shouldn’t be the focus. That said, here are a few tips on using the facebook group page:
Pinned Post
Please make sure you have a read of the Pinned Post – lots of important information in there!
There is a SEARCH bar which allows you to search out key words in posts – very helpful for when you are looking for a particular post by an individual or regarding a certain topic. Just type the person’s name for example and hit SEARCH.
Reporting posts
Please help us to keep the page free of sales posts, unrelated page links and spam. If you see anything inappropriate or disrespectful, please press the three dots in the right hand corner of the post, then select the option to “Report post”
Sharing photos
Note that this group is public and can be seen and accessed by anyone, so please be mindful when sharing details and posting pics. Do NOT post photos of other people’s children.
Did you know…?
…there are often competition basingstones for you to keep a lookout for!
Try searching “competition” to see what you could win
…there is a Basingstones Admin photo album for Basingstones news
hit Albums and select Basingstones Admin
…there is a thread to track international Basingstones so that we can see them pop up all over the world! (This can be found in the Basingstones Admin album)
…Basingstones has been on the radio, in the newspaper and even nominated for a community project award! Check out the Basingstones Admin Album for details
Where can I get stones from?
Lots of garden centres and large DIY stores sell big bags of stones/cobbles for about £5. Locally, you can try The Range, Wickes, Conkers, Home Bargains, B&M, Bunnings and many more.
Taking rocks from beaches is discouraged and you could actually be fined. Whilst taking the odd stone will do no damage, we don’t want to have a negative impact on the environment.
How should I decorate basingstones?
You can paint the stone however you wish, perhaps with a pretty pattern, a fun cartoon character, an inspirational quote or an artistic design.
Please avoid sticking things to the stones though which could potentially fall off and be harmful to wildlife. We want to be friendly towards our environment and our furry friends too.
What paint is best to use?
Sharpie pens, permanent markers, nail polish, acrylic paints and clear varnish or spray (to make it weather proof) all work really well.
Why haven’t I seen a photo of the basingstone I hid?
There are thousands of group members and hundreds of posts each day. You cannot keep track of them all. Also, some people may choose not to share their photos or finds online.
Don’t worry that not all hidden basingstones get a finder post – each one makes someone smile and each one is special!
I hope this helps.
Have fun!
Rachel x
Basingstones Admin
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Hello Basingstones, I have painted some stones, and found some, but with my lack of technological skills (!) I don’t know how to transfer my photos of them to your post. Do I just press ‘share’ and send them to your email address, or is there a more complicated method? Many thanks, Frank Winter
Hi Frank. Thanks for your comment. Basingstones is actually a group on Facebook. So you need to join Facebook to be able to post the pictures of your stones into the Basingstones group. This website is NorthHantsMum which is a website for parents in the local area and Rachel, who runs Basingstones, has very kindly asked me to publish the details of her post on my site as not everyone sees things on Facebook. I hope that helps! Many thanks, Louise