Earlier in the week I was absolutely terrified about doing my Sky Dive, but at the moment, I’m of the mindset: “Bring it ON!”.
(That might change tomorrow, when I’m up in a teeny tiny plane and there’s only air between me and the ground! lol.)
You’ve probably picked up, that I can be a “tad” dramatic at times – the above sentence being clear evidence of this!
So, I’ve left just two instructions for Mr NHM, just in case anything happens.
They consist of:
1. WWLD? (What Would Louise Do?)
2. Delegate!!!!
He may have raised his eyebrows when I mentioned these to him yesterday.
(Although, I don’t think I will need to worry too much, as Miss NHM is already keeping him in check! Hahaha.)
Anyyyywaaaay, thank you very much to everyone who has sponsored me so far.
You are all AWESOME!
If you would like to sponsor me, but haven’t yet, there is still time:
Fingers crossed the weather is good tomorrow so I can jump, as don’t think I can cope with delaying it! 😀
Look out for the pictures tomorrow night 😉
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