Willowdene Holiday Club for children aged 5 -12 yrs
For school aged children Holiday Clubs are now held at Christ Church (opposite Willowdene) meaning we have more space and better age related activities for the school aged child. We are open every school holiday and Four Lanes Inset days catering for children aged 5-12 yrs **
(** Reception aged children will be given the choice either to attend the Holiday Club at the Nursery, or at Christ Church).
Activities are planned and prepared according to the children’s interests and each day is different. We introduce play that challenges the children’s imaginations e.g. den making, and with the woods around us we are able to go on Nature walks, bug hunts and picnics. We also take the children to the Library and local parks.
Some activities the children have enjoyed this summer include
• Fashion designing with a variety of materials
• Picking blackberries and making them into delicious pies
• Test Lab Tuesday – scientific experiments with Tizzy the test lab technician
• Walking to the shopping centre to buy the ingredients to make our own lunches.
Holiday Care also available for Nursery aged children at Willowdene Nursery School.
Ring 01256324191 or email willowdene@btconnect.com for further details! www.willowdenenursery.org.uk
Are there any other Holiday Clubs that you know about in the area?