I had a question last year from an NHM Reader which may be useful this year too: “Do you know what daytime carol services are being put on in the area this year? 6:30pm seems to be normal but that’s a bit late really.”
Many thanks to the NHM Community for your responses, listed below in no particular order:
NHM Readers recommend daytime carol services
Naomi said:
“I don’t know about carol services generally, but Winchester cathedral has a fab crib service on Christmas Eve, it’s usually mid-afternoon and children can go dressed up as an angel, shepherd or other nativity character. It’s lovely.”
Heidi said:
“Sherborne St John church has a children’s carol service at 4pm ish one Sunday before Christmas but I’m not sure what date yet…”
Rebecca said:
“There will be a carol service at Christ Church Chineham. There will also be a crib service on Christmas Eve.
Rebecca also recommended Christingle at St Gabriel’s at 5pm
Kath said:
Brighton Hill church near Asda used to do a Christingle service mid afternoon I think, and possible Oakridge Methodist church might do an early service
Gillian said:
“The Crib Service at Christ Church on Christmas Eve is at 4.30 pm”
Caroline said:
“St michaels church in town centre has a lunchtime carol service usually in the week leading up to Christmas and also a children’s nativity story service (with dress up) at 5pm on Christmas Eve.
Allison said:
“St Mary’s, Eastrop usually has a Christmas Carol Extravaganza for children on Christmas Eve at around 4pm and a 10am Christingle service earlier in December. Website is updated regularly http://www.stmarys-basingstoke.org.uk/upcoming-events/”
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