As part of “North Hants Mum Question Time”, I was asked by Donna “Are there any parks around that an under 2 year old can go to climb about easily, all the ones I have found so far all have either the phone looking steps or thin ladders. Means I have to keep lifting her to get to the slides which she gets frustrated about”
My response, as well as those received from the community, are below in no particular order.
NHM Readers: Parks for under 2s
Louise replied “ What about the park that is behind the Apollo Hotel? I think that’s pretty good for little ones and always very quiet”
Donna said “I have been to that one and for running around it is amazing but to get on the slide it is a phone style climbing bit which she gets angry at lol”
Saretta said “Victory Park is lovely for little ones and also there’s a lovely park in Overton, it’s on the right (coming from Basingstoke) before ‘Mill Cottages’ It’s at the end of Lower Brook Street (Brookvale, near Bcot)”
Juliet said “ There’s one on Brighton Way between Stanford and Gershwin that has a nice toddler friendly slide”
Sarah said “ Near the park by the Apollo, there is another by Everest School. Safest one for little ones I have found so far”
Louise NHM said “There’s LOADS in Chineham too. About 5 that are suitable for little people.”
Nikki said “ Love the one in Old Basing…my scamps can do lots on their own and there’s more challenging stuff for my eldest. Turn right at the lights by Oliver’s Chip Shop, then first left and follow the road past the care home.”
Cesca said “The playpark in Russell Howard Park has a toddler climbing frame”
Charlotte said “Black Dam one is quite good for little ones, there is the bigger slide with think steps but there is a smaller one too”
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