If you’ve been following NorthHantsMum for a while you will know that I’m big on keeping my life as stress free and simple as possible.
One of the ways I do this is by getting things delivered directly to our house.
I work from home so this is fairly straight forward, however, there are ways to get around this if you aren’t at home very much.
I’ve mentioned before that I use online shopping but I also have food delivered by local producers and independent companies.
1. Food Delivery – Fish
We have a fish delivery every 8 weeks. We use Regal Fish. They deliver the fish that was caught that morning.
We get a call from Regal Fish, place our order and they make the delivery a week later.
The quality of the fish has been excellent and we are eating a lot more fish as a result.
2. Food Delivery – Organic Vegetables
I have a bag of fresh, locally grown, organic vegetables delivered every week.
I’ve wrote a review about NorthDown Orchard when we first started using them. I was looking for a local alternative to Able and Cole and Riverford.
Two years later and we are still getting our weekly bags.
I love them! I love that we are using a local producer and it’s all organic and incredibly reasonably priced for organic vegetables.
3. Birthday Present Box
There is nothing worse (first world issues!) than realising that you have a children’s party the following day and you’ve not got a present sorted.
I sort of cheat with this.
I’ve set up a number of alerts in camelcamelcamel for gifts which I know children will like and then when they are reduced in price, I buy them in bulk and store them in the Birthday Present Box.
This has saved my skin (and wallet) on a number of occasions.
What are your parenting “shortcuts”?